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newbie LAC

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. So the problem only with sidebar adverts? Show me advert settings (you can only include app fields)
  2. How to reproduce? - I'm on album page - I clicked on Add Images - I don't see tags sets
  3. Hello, Do you have same problem with non-app adverts? What caching method do you use?
  4. Hello, How to reproduce? I don't see tags sets in any cases because there is no Tags field. There uses simple input field
  5. Hello, I support all plugins
  6. 1. Try delete the app using direct link domain.tld/admin/?adsess=2g062ahjjsl8sh501jfsi24na4&app=core&module=applications&controller=applications&do=delete&id=nbenhadverts 2. Delete the folder nbenhadverts from applications directory (use ftp) 3. Install the app
  7. Where (page/location) and when (after installation/during installation) you get that error? Do you have the missing file?
  8. Hello, It's an application Go to AdminCP -> System -> Applications -> Install. Select .tar file and then click Install button.
  9. Hello, No. But I've updated the application for 4.3. Need some time to upload new version
  10. Hello, This should also works for code. Show me the advert settings. Anyway if you work with code you can use Not sure what you mean
  11. Hello, 1. Yes 2. No demo 3. No
  12. This only happens on fluid mode. You can decrease font size .ipsResponsive_hideTablet .cNbreadingtime_item { font-size: 12px; }
  13. Hello, No Yes. Maybe in the next release
  14. Hello, You can use css class cNbreadingtime_item Add in custom.css .cNbreadingtime_item { // Your properties }
  15. Hello, Disable the setting "Scaling of images". In this case the image height will be have value is auto
  16. Hello, I uploaded version 1.0.5
  17. You link goes to 24 page and Every page param unchecked. In this case advert will be displayed on the first page
  18. If you give me ftp/acp access I'll look into that
  19. Switch on IPS 4 Default (or IPS 4 Default [Modified] or IPS 4 Dark) theme and you will see adverts. It's something related with your theme.
  20. Hello, Can you give a link on a page?
  21. Hello, "l" is last post. Start read from here
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