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newbie LAC

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. It's a bug. I fixed on your forum.
  2. Hello, I'll look into that. Thanks for report
  3. Hello, If you don't want add news don't create news categories No
  4. Hello, This is a part of application. No need Pages and Databases.
  5. Hello, I found a bug in the core We can wait while IPS fixed it or you can change the template
  6. Hello, How that widget should be looks? Like topic feed? No ETA. I'm busy and can't fully test the news work . I'll try finish on weekend.
  7. Each news category has permissions like other nodes (example forums)
  8. Hello, No. Will be added. Hard to make if you give little information. What I did Simple form Frontend Add news form News view
  9. Download version 1.0.2 and click on "Upload new version" on ACP to update the plugin
  10. Wait while I'll upload new version.
  11. I added a checkbox on create/edit forum form.
  12. Open custom.css 1. Topics list Add .nbTopicDescription { font-size: 15px; color: red; } Result 2. Topic view Add #nbTopicDescription { color: blue; } Result
  13. I added support for clubs The checkbox appear on frontend side when add/edit the forum I can look into how the app works
  14. - I don't have GC. - On the clubs tabs displayed only user clubs not all (uses permissions).
  15. Hello, You can do it yourself. The description is wrapped in a block with class (topics list page) or ID (topic view page) nbTopicDescription
  16. Hello, Not fixed yet. I can apply temporary fix
  17. Hello, I have not yet considered it. Sorry. Also how the news should be looks? Like news list?
  18. You will need remove 4 lines of code \applications\nbenhtagssystem\sources\Set\Set.php Find and remove 'permissionCheck' => function($node) { return $node->can('view', new \IPS\Member); }
  19. Hello, It's my mistake. Sorry. Do you have an access to app files? If so I'll tell you what to change.
  20. Hello, {{if \IPS\Request::i()->app == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->module == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->controller == 'topic' and !in_array(\IPS\Request::i()->id, array(1,2,3))}} Code {{endif}}
  21. Hello, See request topic. The closed system looks like Looks like 1 block. I didn't test with closed system. Perhaps it will take a lot of extra work.
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