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newbie LAC

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Hello, I can't test every plugin every time when IPS release new version of software. Reports from customers allow me know plugin works incorrect. If you have any problems just tell me.
  2. Hello, Yes. It's strange. I need some time to debug
  3. Hello, From fixtures table Check now
  4. Ok. Thanks. I reuploaded the archive. It's the same version. So no need update the application.
  5. No. I can reproduce. I applied fix on your forum. Please check.
  6. Hello, I see how it works but I don't see any guides/faqs there
  7. Hello, Give me a link on that page No need. I found it. I can't reproduce on my side. Reproduce
  8. Hello, I also don't like this. The problem is block is cached and display depends on location. I have some ideas how to fix this. How did you reorder them (leagues) in ACP.
  9. 24 hours. I'll add new setting, make some tests and upload on MP.
  10. I added this but file not uploaded on marketplace. Note. This will not update teams score on DB (you can still update data manually). This only affect on "Tables widget".
  11. I'll add global setting to show/hide that block. Currently you can edit applications/football/modules/front/main/league.php find and comment \IPS\Output::i()->sidebar['contextual'] = \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'main' )->leagueContextual($league);
  12. Hello, "Teams block". I can add global setting to disable it. You can add widgets under "Teams block". Or do you want a widget with advert per league? Not sure what you mean. What's the problem? You can put "Tables widget" anywhere.
  13. Hello, I'm currently busy. I'll try add new setting on weekend.
  14. You can run sql query SELECT attach_id, FROM_UNIXTIME(attach_date) as uploaded, CONCAT('https://www.walkingfootball.com/uploads/', attach_location) as location FROM core_attachments WHERE attach_id IN (1367, 1400); and compare results
  15. Hello, Last image has ID 1400 and has been uploaded 19 September 2017 Image from this post has ID 1367 and has been uploaded 16 September 2017 Sort/Order is ORDER BY attach_date DESC In this case all displayed correct
  16. Your post template is modified. Depending on the settings I used .cAuthorPane_photo + li + li or .cAuthorPane_photo + li In your theme I don't see these selectors. Open xml file and change 'selector' => '.cAuthorPane_photo + li + li', 'type' => 'add_after', and 'selector' => '.cAuthorPane_photo + li', 'type' => 'add_after', To 'selector' => 'li.cAuthorPane_photo', 'type' => 'add_after',
  17. Hello, 1. Have you plugins which modified user info pane area? 2. You use custom skin. Can you reproduce the problem on default (inbuilt) skin?
  18. I can create new widget "Dynamic table" or add new add setting in exists widget.
  19. You can create fixtures not related with leagues (friendly, etc). Or the team can be fined. So how to count the points?
  20. Hello, Widget "Tables" does not depends on fixtures. You should update scores manually on ACP or frontend.
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