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newbie LAC

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Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Hello, You can do it via js $("#elSearchField").attr("placeholder", "Eat at Joes Pizza");
  2. My widget haven't layout for horizontal section. So I used if ($this->orientation != 'vertical') { return ''; } It's a better for performance. I think I'll add new setting for "Grid" style/theme With horizontal it will looks like
  3. It's a core issue and related with "orientation". applications/cms/sources/Blocks/Block.php public static function display( $block, $orientation=NULL ) When you use {block} tag you can't pass orientation variable. Solution Open plugins/nb41socialcountfans/widgets/nbSocialCountFans.php Find and comment if ($this->orientation != 'vertical') { return ''; } or change to if (isset($this->orientation) and $this->orientation != 'vertical') { return ''; }
  4. Not easy as you think. Ask IPS staff. I can't manage payments.
  5. No. Fixture is team vs team. Not sure how you can make tournaments from football app
  6. Hello, Because output depends on configuration. By default there are no services. I think you can use php to call the widget
  7. You want to show advert before last post. Ok, I'll add this.
  8. Hello, I don't see the widget. I can't reproduce. If you give me acp/ftp accesses I'll look into that. Maybe because you ignored my posts? How I can help if I can't reproduce the problem? I'll ask someone of clients to test the widget.
  9. Hello, Not sure what you want. Please give me example.
  10. Hello, I can't reproduce on my test board. If you give me acp/ftp accesses I'll look into.
  11. I gave you selector and position. Other things are css. See my example <span class="ipsPos_right" style="margin: 10px;">Right Side of the Second NavBar</span> Result
  12. Hello, Selector #elNavSecondary_1 .ipsNavBar_secondary Position Insert advert inside the chosen element(s), at the end
  13. Hello, Click on the text "All forums" or "Reverse" or "Every page"
  14. Hello, In your custom css .ipsDataList.ipsDataList_zebra .ipsDataItem:not( .ipsDataItem_selected ):not( .ipsModerated ):not( .ipsDataItem_new ):not( .ipsDataItem_success ):not( .ipsDataItem_warning ):not( .ipsDataItem_error ):not( .ipsDataItem_info ):not( .ipsDataItem_status ):nth-child(even) { background: transparent !important; } change to .ipsDataList.ipsDataList_zebra .ipsDataItem:not( .ipsDataItem_selected ):not( .ipsModerated ):not( .ipsDataItem_new ):not( .ipsDataItem_success ):not( .ipsDataItem_warning ):not( .ipsDataItem_error ):not( .ipsDataItem_info ):not( .ipsDataItem_status ):not( .nbPinned ):nth-child(even) { background: transparent !important; }
  15. Uncheck Reverse option. "Reverse" works with forums and mean "Don't show ads in selected forums".
  16. Hello, Those options depends of topic. In my plugin pin/unpin button depends of post (See plugin settings "Groups (TOPIC OWNER/STARTER)" and "Own posts"). It's a better But I don't want to add additional button. Maybe simple checkbox.
  17. Hello, I haven't this version to test. Works fine on Have you configure the plugin settings?
  18. Hello, In this case you will have conflict with posts Yes. Example
  19. Hello, I can't reproduce. Can you give me ACP/ftp access for debug?
  20. If your tables have a prefix add it. Example and sql query UPDATE ips_forums_posts SET nbpinned=1 WHERE new_topic=1;
  21. Yes. I'll fix it in next release.
  22. Hello, See the setting "Instagram access token". Value is not url https://prideofnottingham.co.uk/access_token=%TOKEN% I changed. Result you can see on your test page.
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