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newbie LAC

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Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Hello, I can add new setting (tool) in next release. Now you can run sql-query UPDATE forums_posts SET nbpinned=1 WHERE new_topic=1; If your tables have a prefix add it
  2. Hello, Ok. Will be added in next version. Confirmed as a bug.
  3. Hello, IPS removed screenshots again.
  4. Hello, You should add a link without https://feedly.com part. Looks like a bug. I'll change the link. Any errors? I wrote instruction for youtube here https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/436877-nb41-social-count-fans/?do=findComment&comment=2685441 For G+ it will be similar (you can use the same application) For instagram https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/436877-nb41-social-count-fans/?do=findComment&comment=2685204
  5. Hello, No. If you want it you need to edit plugin templates https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/416464-nb40-secondary-group-icons/?do=findComment&comment=2663665
  6. Hello, Have you created applications for services?
  7. Hello, CSS selector #elSearch_main [data-role="resultsContents"] .ipsStreamItem:eq(1) Position Insert advert after the chosen element(s)
  8. I saw this error 2-3 times. Try remove intermediate versions or PM me and I will do it for you.
  9. It's a widget cache. The same results you can get example with "Forum Statistics" or "Post Feed" widgets (It looks like a core bug). If you don't want cache result open /plugins/nb40recenttopicsposts/widgets/nbRecentTopicsPosts.php Find class _nbRecentTopicsPosts extends \IPS\Widget\PermissionCache change to class _nbRecentTopicsPosts extends \IPS\Widget
  10. Ok. Thanks for clarify. I'll look into it. For posts tab a topic object is $post->item() So your code will be looks like {{if $post->item()->mapped('featured')}} <span><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_icon ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_positive" data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="featured"}'><i class='fa fa-star'></i></span></span> {{endif}}
  11. Hello, As Simon said please provide more info about an error.
  12. Hello, Ok. What do you mean "refresh last posts"?
  13. Hello, This not a part of my plugin. You can edit template postContainer <li>{expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( $comment->author()->member_group_id )->formattedName" raw="true"}</li> Or hide using css li.cAuthorPane_photo + li { display: none; }
  14. Hello, There is a bug in a plugin. I fixed founded bugs and I'll upload new version coming soon
  15. If you want. Facebook changed API. I fixed on your forum. I need some time to update the plugin. No. I'll try. There is a bug. Read above Go to https://console.developers.google.com/ Create new project Go to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/dashboard?project=social-count-fans Click on ENABLE API Click on YouTube Data API Click on ENABLE Click on Create credentials Click on API key Click on Create (Optional) Click on HTTP referrers and add your forum domain Copy API key, go to ACP and add it in "Youtube API key". It's a bug. Widget form doesn't respect errors. I can log them or show to admins under widget.
  16. Hello, Use the setting "Use background" Result What do you want to know? Some services work with API credentials only. Go to ACP - Plugins - (NB41) Social Count Fans - Settings You can omit "Custom background" and "Custom FA icon" to use default values. Example Check Facebook Client Id. It should be number. It's simular as https://invisionpower.com/4guides/how-to-use-ips-community-suite/social-sign-in/facebook-r220/ App ID and App Secret You need to fill the setting on ACP Instagram access token Click on Get access token You will be redirect to main page. The url will be looks like domain.ltd/access_token=TOKEN Copy TOKEN Quick guide how to create an app 1. Go to https://www.instagram.com/developer/clients/manage/ 2. Register a new client 3. Fill the fileds 4. On security tab uncheck Disable implicit OAuth
  17. Hello, Automatically. You can't change the points manually.
  18. Hello, The widget has an option to use multiple blocks on the same page
  19. Hello, Nothing interesting 3 global settings - Show from current forum (Show topics/posts from current forum. Works when you browsing the forum page.) - Show from current forum (Show topics/posts from current forum. Works when you browsing the topic page.) - Include subforums New separate setting "Show posts counter?" for posts and topics (created by https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/408449-nb40-recent-topicsposts/?do=findComment&comment=2679825)
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