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newbie LAC

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Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Hello, Here? Its not important and I didn't add an icon. As usual. ACP - System - Site Promotion - Advertisements
  2. Hello, Where? Do you mean "Type of advertisement (Upload images)"? I added data-nbenhadvid="X" attribute to this type of ads. X is advert ID So you can add div[data-nbenhadvid="X"] to CSS selectors setting
  3. Hello, Found in logs SELECT quizzes_quizzes.*, author.*, core_tags_cache.tag_cache_text FROM `quizzes_quizzes` LEFT JOIN `core_tags_cache` ON tag_cache_key=MD5(CONCAT('quizzes;quizzes;',quizzes_quizzes.quizz_id)) LEFT JOIN `core_members` AS `author` ON author.member_id = quizzes_quizzes.quizz_mid WHERE quizzes_quizzes.quizz_cat=1 AND quizzes_quizzes.quizz_open < 2 AND quizzes_quizzes.quizz_cat IN(1,2,3,4) ORDER BY quizzes_quizzes.quizz_pinned DESC, q_ordering_questions desc LIMIT 0,25 IPS\Db\Exception: Unknown column 'q_ordering_questions' in 'order clause' (1054) #0 /system/Db/Select.php(356): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('SELECT quizzes_...', Array, true) #1 /system/Db/Select.php(418): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery() #2 [internal function]: IPS\Db\_Select->rewind() #3 [internal function]: IteratorIterator->rewind() #4 /system/Helpers/Table/Content.php(275): iterator_to_array(Object(IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator)) #5 [internal function]: IPS\Helpers\Table\_Content->getRows(Array) #6 /init.php(447) : eval()'d code(51): call_user_func_array('parent::getRows', Array) #7 /system/Helpers/Table/Table.php(466): IPS\Helpers\Table\hook1164->getRows(Array) #8 /applications/quizzes/modules/front/quizzes/browse.php(131): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Table->__toString() #9 /applications/quizzes/modules/front/quizzes/browse.php(29): IPS\quizzes\modules\front\quizzes\_browse->_category(Object(IPS\quizzes\Category)) #10 /system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\quizzes\modules\front\quizzes\_browse->manage() #11 /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(129): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #12 /index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #13 {main} Steps to reproduce On frontend go to any category and select sort by "Questions". The same for sort by "Players".
  4. Make changes again. I gave you alternate variant with js
  5. Me: "See my screenshots. You can create folders and put the leagues. So the page with leagues has not changed. Examples - My favorite leagues -> Primera, Bundesliga etc - England -> Premier League, League One etc You can add the league in different folders." You: "ok great" In this case you can't add sinhle league to many folders You have a changes in the template tables https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/433472-nb41-my-football/?do=findComment&comment=2674334 You need to revert those changes Go to ACP, find a template tables and click on Revert button. Direct link https://www.walkingfootball.com/chat/football/league/5-test/?do=updateScore
  6. Settings - Added new setting "Groups that can view "All fixtures" page". - Added setting "Teams List (Sidebar Teams List" located on league view page)". - Added new setting "Favorite team" - Removed setting " Manage positions (Select the groups that can manage players positions)". It hasbeen moved to mod permissions. Added folders Leagues Added Teams When you work with single category you can see quick buttons Moderators Added permissions Front side Moderators can update tables scores. You have edited templates. You need to revert changes. No. When I asked how the folders should be looks you did not answer. Furthermore you agree with my version. You can put one league in different folders, so I don't know how to combine them in single section.
  7. Confirmed. You need provide a league and a team. You can get players from teams page I can add a button on leagues page also if it need Something like That's new version (2.0.1) Where is it? As they are presented in ACP I can add a setting.
  8. No Other your issues has been resolved. I guess.
  9. Hello, See my screenshots. You can create folders and put the leagues. So the page with leagues has not changed. Examples - My favorite leagues -> Primera, Bundesliga etc - England -> Premier League, League One etc You can add the league in different folders.
  10. Hello, I can't reproduce. I've installed app, created new league, new team, new category, new player. Then edited player without any errors. Please tell me steps. On front end you can edit player data and positions. I've made some changes. Add the perms and separate by league/moderator I'm waiting @Unlucky https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/433472-nb41-my-football/?do=findComment&comment=2674148 (2nd part)
  11. Hello, applications/football/widgets/tables.php Find 'zeroVal' => 'all', Add after 'autoPopulate' => false, Check the work. Do you want this?
  12. Looks like you made wrong changes No. Please see correct change <a href... is a link. You need to remove this tag.
  13. The widget is cached. You need to drop the cache
  14. Currently no. But it's not difficult to add. Example If you show an image how it will be looks it will be good. How many levels do you want? Country - division - league
  15. Hello, What the goal and how it will be works / looks (I mean front end)? Because Pages folders are structures only. domain.ltd/folder1/page, domain.ltd/folder2/page etc. You can't do it through css. js only or editing template tables Find <a href="{$team->url()}" {$team->parentsDataAttributes()} data-ipsTooltip title='{lang='football_tables_view_team'}' class='footballSortByTitle'>{$team->_title}</a> Change to {$team->_title} Or js <script> $(function() { $( ".footballSortByTitle" ).contents().unwrap(); }); </script>
  16. I'm blind. Why loss 3 and draw 0? Win - 3 Draw - 1 Loss - 0
  17. Resave widget settings or run support tool or open applications/football/modules/admin/football/leagues.php. Find twice $league->save(); add after \IPS\Widget::deleteCaches( 'tables', 'football' ); It's official fix
  18. No. I can't reproduce 1. Have you set up correct values for win/loss/draw? 2. Drop the widget cache.
  19. You can remove unnecessary data editing the templates. The scores does not depends of fixtures. If you do not want to add the fixtures do not do it. If you make an image and show what to add/edit/remove I'll glad to help you with this.
  20. Hello, There are no categories. Leagues only. I wrote about that. But you write How do you can update scores if you don't want add teams? When you added league with teams you could update scores. On front end you can use widget Tables
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