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newbie LAC

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Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Hello, Not tested on 4.1.16. I need a time to upgrade my dev board and testing.
  2. Hello, I've used a column 'description'. Check a table 'topics'. Otherwise you will need to rename a column.
  3. Hello, What should I add/edit/delete?
  4. I'm planning upload new version on weekend. i'm working on that https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/433025-nb41-content-ratings/?do=findComment&comment=2659255
  5. I've answered here "I can add a setting to choose what types would be displayed"
  6. Hello, The plugin use inbuilt methods. If you give me acp/ftp access I'll look into.
  7. Not sure what you mean. Do you want to hide (X/Y/Z) scores in post bit, hovercard and profile?
  8. Hello, That setting doesn't convert rating to reputation or reputation to rating. How it works http://www.screencast.com/t/bHp4pljfMuVm
  9. In this case it would be "additional setting on add/edit rating's form"
  10. Hello, I can add a setting to choose what types would be displayed If someone else would be interested I will add this feature. Would it be a new type or an additional setting on add/edit rating's form?
  11. Hello, You live in 2012 year? Ok, back to the future. "First Release: Feb 27, 2012" http://www.exchangerates.org.uk/GBP-USD-27_02_2012-exchange-rate-history.html 1 GBP = 1.5831 USD 20 * 1.5831 = $31.662 I get ($35 - 10% - $0.5) $31 from every sale. I'm not going to compare software/apps/plugins/etc. Just say it's a support topic. Added already in v1.0.1.
  12. Hello, I also added css class 'cNbPinnedPost' Example using css
  13. I can give you images. PM me. Maybe in the next version I'll change limits system. It's optional setting added by request. If you don't want to change user reputation when he receives rating you can disable this feature. div[data-controller="nbcontentratings.front.ratings.ratings"] .ipsList_inline > li { opacity: 0.5; } div[data-controller="nbcontentratings.front.ratings.ratings"] .ipsList_inline > li:hover { opacity: 1; }
  14. You gave me account which group "Root admin". But " I've only enabled Admin use at the moment while I test". It's html bug. I'll fix it in next version.
  15. In this case I need an admin account. As a guest I can't use CR. I can see results only.
  16. Can you give me a link on a page?
  17. Hello, Download from internet + icon "Photo" is a fa icon http://fontawesome.io/icon/camera-retro/ No need <i> tag. Icon name only
  18. Hello, Done You can use css. I use default values (from core - global - framework - misc.css) for lists. html[dir="ltr"] .ipsList_inline > li { margin-right: 15px; } html[dir="rtl"] .ipsList_inline > li { margin-left: 15px; } You can redefine it html[dir="ltr"] div[data-controller="nbcontentratings.front.ratings.ratings"] .ipsList_inline > li { margin-right: 8px !important; } html[dir="rtl"] div[data-controller="nbcontentratings.front.ratings.ratings"] .ipsList_inline > li { margin-left: 8px !important; } All in one or each individually? You can also do it yourself div[data-controller="nbcontentratings.front.ratings.ratings"] { opacity: 0.5; } div[data-controller="nbcontentratings.front.ratings.ratings"]:hover { opacity: 1; }
  19. No. When you give to someone positive or negative rating the reputation will be increase or decrease. Example. You have 100 rep points. I gave you a positive rating. Your reputation is increased by 1 point. Total is 101. I have 50 rep points. You gave me a negative rating. My reputation is decreased by 1 point. Total is 49. Yes. Topic view. My reputation is 46 Profile view
  20. Hello, Yes. It's a separate system. In the next version I only added by request "So whenever they rate "positive" rating it adds 1 to this counter, or -1 it takes one away. Neutral adds nothing." Last setting Yes.
  21. When you buy the application you need to set it up. I'm not IPS owner. Ask someone from IPS staff.
  22. I'm not worked with Rules app. I need to find a time for playing/testing etc.
  23. Hello, I'm sorry. I forgot what another software inbuilt features should be added free. Xf also has "BB Code Media Sites" which has been removed in IPS 4.X. https://invisionpower.com/files/file/8331-sd-oembed/ and https://invisionpower.com/files/file/7509-media-tags/ How it will work?
  24. Hello, Maybe https://invisionpower.com/files/file/8171-jquery-recent-topics-ticker/
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