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newbie LAC

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Use the setting "Extra condition" {{if \IPS\Request::i()->app == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->module == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->controller == 'topic'}} {{$forumId = 0; try { $topic = \IPS\forums\Topic::loadAndCheckPerms( \IPS\Request::i()->id ); $forumId = $topic->forum_id; } catch( \Exception $e ) {};}} {{endif}} {{if in_array($forumId, array(3, 4))}} 1 {{endif}}
  2. Hello, Yes. + - Selector article.cPost:eq(0) - Position Insert advert after the chosen element(s)
  3. Hello, No. There are 2 types only. Pinned topics locate in the top, Unpinned topics locate under pinned topics. Featured topics can locate anywhere (by default depends of last reply).
  4. Hello, Say hello IPS. IPS released their own patch to fix the problem I uploaded version 1.0.6
  5. Hello, Yes Both ads will be displayed
  6. Uploaded new version. Please let me know if someone has any bug/problems.
  7. Hello, IPS changed the code. I need to find another way to add ratings bar.
  8. Hello, Check the app app settings. Test on inbult theme. Or give me acp access. Fresh instalation IPS 4.1.19 App 1.0.4
  9. Hello, I can't reproduce. Please tell me - version of app (I see you downloaded a file 11/03/2016 but last update was December 25, 2016), - app settings
  10. Hello, I can't reproduce Settings. I selected all types Profile Post If you give me accesses I'll take a look into this.
  11. Hello, Confirmed. Fill be fixed in the next version.
  12. Hello, Open template nbRecentTopicsPosts. (ACP - Customization - Themes - You skin - core - global - plugins) Find and remove <div class="ipsCommentCount ipsPos_right {{if ( $post->item()->posts - 1 ) === 0}}ipsFaded{{endif}}" data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="replies_number" pluralize="$post->item()->posts - 1"}'>{expression="$post->item()->posts - 1"}</div> Find and remove <div class="ipsCommentCount ipsPos_right {{if ( $topic->posts - 1 ) === 0}}ipsFaded{{endif}}" data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="replies_number" pluralize="$topic->posts - 1"}'>{expression="$topic->posts - 1"}</div>
  13. You can put in the block as many ads as you want.
  14. Maybe I'll add code boxes in the next release. What's the block? Pages app?
  15. Added already (version 1.0.4) No. I added select box not code boxes for devices.
  16. No ACP - Enhanced Adverts - Advertisements - Settings I asked on PM and you told me "one replaced advert for all adverts"
  17. Hello, Have you seen how the app works? It does not depend on image or html. It check css selectors. You can use <img src="ad.png" class="protect_this_image"> Or <div class="protect_this_div">Some text</div> Then add css selectors .protect_this_image and .protect_this_div You mean html ads? What to add?
  18. Hello, I can't reproduce. Show me the settings, tell me IPS version, check on inbuilt theme. I see on your forum the block Steam is duplicated.
  19. Hello, You wrote about that. Check your PM #193862. I need ftp/acp access.
  20. Hello, No. Maybe if you tell (show) me how it will be works. I have an idea but maybe you have other.
  21. Hello, I read above about that. I can't reproduce. Can you give ACP access and/or tell me steps to reproduce the problem.
  22. applications/football/widgets/fixtures.php Find $teamsLeagues = (count($teams) ? \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'team1', $teams ) . ' OR ' . \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'team2', $teams ) : '') . (count($leagues) ? ' OR ' . \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'lig_id', $leagues ) : ''); replace with $teamsLeagues = (count($teams) ? \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'team1', $teams ) . ' OR ' . \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'team2', $teams ) : '') . (count($leagues) ? (count($teams) ? ' OR ' : '') . \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'lig_id', $leagues ) : ''); However, if someone is not able to apply the fix (don't know how to edit files, hosted on CiC) I will be releasing a new version asap.
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