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newbie LAC

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Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Hello, Not tested. If you use the app on 4.2 and found any issues just tell me and I'll look into the problem and fix.
  2. Ok. I added 4 settings - Topics. Go to %link% for users - Topics. Go to %link% for guests - Posts. Go to %link% for users - Posts. Go to %link% for guests %link% can be first post, last post, first unread post, post I also added setting for "First i want to make a request: Option to disable "LAST POST" or "LAST TOPIC" tab". You can select what tabs to show
  3. I don't know "last post that you read". Do you mean "first unread post"? Please clarify this
  4. Hello, First post. Can you provide more information? First tab affects only on position. Also the widget uses the cookies and remember your choice.
  5. Sorry. I'm not familiar with your ads system. Are you sure what this part is correct? Maybe it shoud be https://www.celiac.com/delivery/afr.php? and these params INSERT_ENCODED_CLICKURL_HERE INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE
  6. My plugin does not depend on ajax. Some ads depends on and doesn't work with ajax. Try to create test advert with simple text "text" and set up in plugin only this advert.
  7. Thanks Yes. Yes. Please disable.
  8. I made quick tests on my local board and on client (he has 2 installed plugins) forum. Quotes work fine. Please create temp account.
  9. How to test? I don't see qoute buttons in topics. These? We talk about "(NB40) Ads After X Topics" only. To confirm the bug you should disable all plugins except "(NB40) Ads After X Topics"
  10. Quote buttons are displayed in the topic. This plugin show ads after X topics in forum. Can you give me acp access?
  11. Hello, Not sure how this plugin can break posts (topic view area) if it works with topics (forum view area).
  12. Hello, No and no. This is not tournaments/brackets. You can embed in content only fixtures.
  13. Uploaded new version. Please read help file how to configure spotify.
  14. It's my mistake. I forgot to add some data. I'll update the plugin coming soon.
  15. Hello, Examples EmpireKickass forum http://www.baysidegamers.com/Forums/ Joey_M forum https://prideofnottingham.co.uk/
  16. Hello, Screenshot from your forum
  17. Hello, How can I reproduce the problem? Please give me more information. Plugin settings, advert settings, topic count posts etc
  18. Hello, You can't use this application on 3.4.9. I think you use similar app created by Saiga. I don't know how his app works and stores data.
  19. {{if request.controller == 'search' and !isset(request.q)}} <div class="cSearchAd">Advert 1</div> <style> .cSearchAd, div[data-controller="core.front.search.main"] { display: table-cell; } .cSearchAd { float: right; border: 3px solid red; height: 600px; width: 300px; margin: 0 10px; } </style> {{endif}} and {{if request.controller == 'search' and isset(request.q) and request.q == 'adv'}} <div class="cSearchAd">Advert 2</div> <style> .cSearchAd, div[data-controller="core.front.search.main"] { display: table-cell; } .cSearchAd { float: right; border: 3px solid red; height: 600px; width: 300px; margin: 0 10px; } </style> {{endif}} Selector div[data-controller="core.front.search.main"] Position Insert advert before the chosen element(s)
  20. Hello, Is this for 4.1.9 or for 4.2?
  21. {{if $advert = \IPS\core\Advertisement::loadByLocation('footer_text_advert_1')}} {$advert|raw} {{else}} Some other link. {{endif}}
  22. l-X (without spaces) l-1 l-2 etc
  23. Hello, I don't know how you will set up your ads for this. Therefore I propose my solution HTML {{$r = mt_rand(1,3);}} {{if $r == 1}} <div class="ipsMessage ipsMessage_error"> This is an error message. </div> {{elseif $r == 2}} <div class="ipsMessage ipsMessage_success"> This message indicates something happened successfully. </div> {{else}} <div class="ipsMessage ipsMessage_warning"> This message warns the user of something terrible (or not so terrible). </div> {{endif}} Selector #elContent Position Insert advert before the chosen element(s) Result (I refresh the page)
  24. Hello, I'll make separate settings for member/guest. Now you can make reverse changes.
  25. Hello, I added it but not uploaded yet on MP.
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