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  1. ipbfuck

    Cookie Notice

    i've customized xml with this: /* !Hook Data - DO NOT REMOVE */ public static function hookData() { return array_merge_recursive( array ( 'globalTemplate' => array ( 0 => array ( 'selector' => 'html > head', 'type' => 'add_inside_end', 'content' => ' {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id === NULL}} {{if settings.cookieNotice_js == 1}} <script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cookieconsent2/1.0.9/cookieconsent.min.js"></script> {{else}} <script src="{resource=\'plugins/cookieNotice.js\' app=\'core\' location=\'global\'}"></script> {{endif}} <script> .... </script> {{endif}}', ), ), ), parent::hookData() ); } /* End Hook Data */ now is only for guest
  2. ipbfuck

    Cookie Notice

    i've make review (5star), but i cannot see atm... anyway: installed, translated in ita (inserted translation in review), all work fine but just a small request: ... and continue! so, very long javascript in source, also for admin/user (cookie already accepted - or, anyway, not necessary). then, in my opinion, is best to put this javascript in js file and, maybe, a simple flag "by usergroup" (anyone can enable just for guest and remove unuseful code for logged member) thanks in advance if reply, S.N.
  3. see link. in my sidebar exit an ads. I've remove just in this page with this little code. with jQuery u can check also by title or url... many way to do this
  4. i've simply add an id to ads, and removed with something like this: $( "#adsid" ).remove(); added only in page where i want remove (eg in a sidebar block) imho, more simple u can test in my laltroweb.it/tools/bugtrack/ page. (ads in sidebar is removed here)! regards...
  5. @ThomasS seems to be valid also from https: http://open.mapquestapi.com/ vs https://open.mapquestapi.com/ so, the best way is to change in source request link from http://open.* to: //open.* with this work in http or https based on request page
  6. Edit: i've finally put custom icon in entire website (forum and database). But, instead to put entire code in custom.css, i've used this structure for pages: + and code in custom.css just for forum icon. this preserve to put unuseful css when not required
  7. Edit: this work in forum: [data-forumid="1"] .fa::before {content:"\f1ea";} /* news icon forum id=1 */ and this in pages database: [data-categoryid="1"] .fa::before {content:"\f121";} /* code icon database id=1 */ U can choose icons from here: https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/ and copy "Unicode" format (+ a backslash). thats is all (i've put all in custom.css)
  8. i can share css code For forum, and For pages, without problem
  9. Edit: ok, i've put f.a. icon in forum categories thanks to a series of css rules! now is really another story https://laltroweb.it/forums/
  10. Hi! Like from object, can be a great feature add ability to change category icon in pages database via category settings. otherwise, atm, all category contain same icon and this isn't a great view. i hope this can be implemented in feature release - Edit: this can be a good feature also in forum category... - regards, S.N.
  11. I can't enable cause a different url with ssl. My host (freehosting) support ssl only with subdomain: darkwolf.ssl.altervista.org nor with vhost (vhost isn't released to all users). Even, i've try to enable with this but this cause an apikey issue for different domain. - Solution, new hosting or attend a new release without apikey :)
  12. 7729b3b71e7cd4c004717afcdd8bb3c2
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