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Everything posted by Unlucky

  1. Hi, link images seem to have disappeared on https://www.walkingfootball.com/links/ Any ideas?
  2. thanks. I like it and will buy later today Oh one other thing - Is it possible to turn it off on mobiles in case it looks too intrusive?
  3. Hi, This looks interesting. On your demo I tried to click the x to cancel it but it wouldn't disappear. Is that because I was a guest on the site?
  4. Hi, Yes sorry the other issue is resolved I don't have anything showing in that column , just a blank space If it is only a list of members we are not that bothered having it switched on to be honest, but at least you are aware some people might have that problem Thanks again
  5. Any Idea about this one? At the moment I have chose to select the map goes full width, but if I select Show a list of markers in the sidebar I just get a blank column
  6. Sorry didn't mean to cause you any hassle BTW is there a 4.1 version or is the minimum required 4.2?
  7. Hi, Yes exactly. So we can go on social media and say we have a new raffle - to enter simply register to get your free entry Plus mailshot existing members to entice them to revisit and log back in etc Do you offer a discount for 2 purchases lol
  8. Hi, Re - Be aware that may have local laws regarding paying for the tickets unless you are registered as a non-profit organization, or have special authorization to do so. Some sites like Paypal usually shut accounts down or even can take actions against the accounts of people using their site in that manner. We are thinking of using this to increase registrations so to avoid the above, can members get a ticket for free and can we restrict it to one raffle ticket per member?
  9. Hi, Think I have another problem which might be connected to that plugin now When I try to add a new topic that has your plugin I get this error An error occurred (500 Error) We're sorry, but a temporary technical error has occurred which means we cannot display this site right now. You can try again by clicking the button below, or try again later.
  10. Map markers are back thanks but nothing is appearing in that right hand column Do I need to add any widgets myself?
  11. Cool So can I redownload the app now, or wait?
  12. If it helps you to troubleshoot, remember we bought that extra plugin called MM- Add marker from content form from you that adds a map marker location when they add a forum entry
  13. Hi, Just added this and all my map markers have disappeared - https://www.walkingfootball.com/membermap/ Please can you check this asap thanks
  14. quick links are not working i edit and save but it does not save the changes
  15. Hi, Is this still being maintained? Interested in purchasing but see above support request back in march does not appear to be answered? thanks
  16. Does a new member have to select a team on signup or can they bypass it? IE - if their team is not listed does it default to whatever team is showing in the list?
  17. You are a star! Thank you
  18. k thanks Is there a way to change the colour of the close button black background to something else?
  19. Hi can I call the ID anything I like? and do I need to edit anything else when I change it? Thanks
  20. I think this has stopped working with latest invision update as it was working fine but not now Can you check here https://www.walkingfootball.com/ that works but if you try say this url, it does not https://www.walkingfootball.com/topic/313-stop-press/?page=3#comment-661 wait for a min or so for it to fire
  21. OK gonna send you one of the widget scripts on pm - can you test with this please
  22. has anyone managed to get amazon affiliate widgets code to work in this? I add them but after saving I just get a blank space? thanks in advance
  23. Hi, can you check the responsiveness of your footer again please here http://responsivedesignchecker.com/https://www.walkingfootball.com/ It's not working on my pc here and also on that check when you test ipad, nexus7 landscape thanks
  24. Well the social bar does not show at all And when you click the refresh all button for the list of followers on the who to follow list, instead of it displaying a new list of followers, you end up going to your own profile page
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