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Everything posted by CSSlife

  1. I agree, totally counter productive to have the user dig around in a submenu within a submenu to access the classified pages. Just have a navigation tab on the MAIN menu with a sub-menu within that that links to these things. PLEASE 🙂
  2. Very excited about the 'forthcoming' versions, finally everything I've been wanting from this! 2.2 Feedback system (March 2020)2.2 MyClassifieds Page (March 2020)2.3 Advert filters #2 (custom fields) (deadlines to be defined, for sure after 4.5)3.0 Direct transactions (it can works also without IP.Commerce) (deadlines to be defined, for sure after 4.5) APP will also be improved based on feedback and suggestions (that will be pondered by me due to technical reasons) When will we see 2.2 and hopefully 2.3. As it is after March, we're 2 months overdue. Thanks 🙂
  3. Ah, well that makes a bunch more sense now... in that case I'm very interested! Thanks
  4. I have unlimited resources on a shared cloud server on hostgator and the prices are pretty damn reasonable as it is. Plus I'm so accustomed to them managing the server as well as me having access to cpanel etc... moving to these cloud services seems so complicated. Any tips/guides/sites you'd personally recommend that walk you through the process of going from a shared web-host like cpanel over to something like Wasabi/AWS?
  5. What would the benefits be for me switching my site from hostgator/cpanel over to wasabi and these cloud services?
  6. @InvisionHQ is there any way to have a widget/sidebar filter that filters listings by extra fields? If not is there a way I can pay you to do this as a custom job? Please let me know 🙂 Also in the settings it says it allows users to pay the advertiser directly. However when someone goes to buy something the money/paypal transaction goes to MY paypal account, not the advertiser. Surely I can't be expected to facilitate every transaction and manage all the money between buyers/sellers.... I can't even begin to imagine the tax implications of all that money passing through my accounts. Why can't the advertiser put their paypal in and have the paypal payment go to them?
  7. I may have mentioned this before, but the ability to search for clubs would be very handy!
  8. This is amazing, finally I am glad someone is helping make finding clubs easier. Is there a chance you could potentially one day add functionality to this addon or another that allows us to search for clubs?
  9. @Christopher Anderson I really don't think those are bad looking. People want to see as much of the club photo as possible, and the default view is more ideal. @Adriano Faria@InvisionHQAlso, a feature request. Can we have the option for mods to add a custom sidebar just as we can on blogs? That will allow club owners/mods to add links or relevant content in the sidebar giving them a bit more customisation control of how their club. I'm more than willing to pay to fast-track this feature. Example below: Also would it be possible to create a module that allows people to search for clubs?
  10. Can you make this work for fluid view? There's a $30 donation in it for you!
  11. Great plugin but could you potentially look into adding/looking into these issues: The mod has started putting regular threads into moderation also for some reason. I come on to find like 40 threads/posts moderated that shouldn't be moderated (that have no chinese in them). The ban tool isn't working. It's not banning them. Could you maybe add other languages too like korean, our spammers have got smart and realised chinse posts wont get through so they spam with random letters and now korean text - see screenshot attached
  12. try this part on its own? .adsbygoogle { display:inline!important; }
  13. Add this code to your custom.css Phil, fixed the ads that appeared over the posts for me among other things: /* GOOGLE AD CODE FOR RESPONSIVE ADS */ #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 300px; height: 250px; } @media (min-width:380px) { #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 336px; height: 280px; } } @media (min-width:764px) { #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 728px; height: 90px; } } @media (min-width:980px) { #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 468px; height: 60px; } } @media (min-width:1160px) { #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 728px; height: 90px; } } #ipsLayout_sidebar .adsbygoogle { width: 300px; height: 250px; } @media (min-width:380px) { #ipsLayout_sidebar .adsbygoogle { width: 336px; height: 280px; } } @media (min-width:980px) { #ipsLayout_sidebar .adsbygoogle { width: 300px; height: 600px; } } .adsbygoogle { display:inline!important; }
  14. Having issues with indexing also. Switched to IPS from XF little over a week ago, went from having pages indexed within minutes to having none indexed whatsoever in the last 24 hours+. Something is up.
  15. I've tried auto ads and I've had the issue where the in-article and in-feed ads are scaled incorrectly and often has large horizontal ads that for some reason are off to the right of the page and covering text. I'll try and demonstrate this, but it happens across all themes.
  16. The listing creation page is tied to commerce? Really? That's a bummer. Are you sure there's no way you could open up the listing creation page to guests (if allowed in their permissions) and when they click submit, save their listing details via a cookie or something - redirect them to registration then when they register and go back to the listing creation page the info they entered as a guest is saved?
  17. Or if that's not possible, have a popup that says "login or create an account to continue" then take them through the registration form and once they are done, redirect them back to the advert creation form where they were trying to list their item.
  18. Could you add the ability to allow guests to access the listing creation form to create their listing then when they hit submit be prompted to register their account/pay the package cost before their listing is submitted. Similar to how guests can post in threads right now. Would this be possible @InvisionHQ ? It would dramatically increase conversion rates from guest to selling customer. As of right now on my setup I have it where people have to purchase a commerce product to upgrade their account to a VIP group which then lets them post listings. Right now the visitor from the landing page has to go to the sales page where they select a subscription then to the commerce product where they add it to their cart, purchase and register then they have to find their way to the classifieds page again to list their item. If there was a way you could simplify this process dramatically by allowing the guest to access the list item page where they can fill it in, hit submit and be promoted to choose the commerce package and pay/register to have their listing show up that'd be great. FYI I would use the existing 'Packages' feature built into classifieds, but it doesn't allow for recurring subscriptions or user upgrades.
  19. Also @InvisionHQ in your next revision/update can you add an option within the 'Advert Feed' block for it to show just random ads? And have it display different ads for the user every time they refresh the page. And an option in the 'sort by' dropdown for expiring ads Would be AMAZING if you could <3
  20. There's a few crucial things this add-on is missing that I need. A filtering system both in search and/or the sidebar on the homepage and/or category listings view. - Filter by price - Filter by Conditions, Types, Reasons & extra fields - Filter by expired/active Expanded 'Sort by' options on listings page and potentially the search page. Sort by highest/lowest price (asc/des), sort by ending soonest, sort by listing creation, views? Max classified edits per usergroup or time limit for editing/updating the listing. Feedback trader rating system.
  21. @InvisionHQ @Adriano Faria I absolutely love this classified system, I was running Xenforo and had a developer developing one for that platform but he went completely AWOL and abandoned the project countless times. So finding an alternative with an active and reliable developer is a godsend. Thank you so much! I really hope you continue to develop the classifieds system to keep it up to date and add more features like the feedback system you proposed and if money is an issue, I would be happy paying more for the renewal fee if it helps keep the app developed, updated and built on
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