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Everything posted by DaffyDuck

  1. tail /var/log/nginx/chicabow.com.error.log thrown in /var/www/chicabow.com/htdocs/system/Db/Db.php on line 638" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: chicabow.com, request: "POST /admin/?app=core&module=members&controller=members&do=add HTTP/2.0", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php/php80-two-fpm.sock:", host: "chicabow.com", referrer: "https://chicabow.com/admin/?app=core&module=members&controller=members" 2023/08/07 23:56:17 [error] 58345#58345: *512 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught IPS\Db\Exception: MySQL server has gone away in /var/www/chicabow.com/htdocs/system/Db/Db.php:638 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/chicabow.com/htdocs/system/Db/Db.php(972): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery() #1 /var/www/chicabow.com/htdocs/system/Session/Admin.php(112): IPS\_Db->replace() #2 [internal function]: IPS\Session\_Admin->write() #3 /var/www/chicabow.com/htdocs/system/Redis/Redis.php(202): session_write_close() #4 [internal function]: IPS\_Redis->IPS\{closure}() #5 {main} thrown in /var/www/chicabow.com/htdocs/system/Db/Db.php on line 638" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: chicabow.com, request: "POST /admin/?app=core&module=members&controller=members&do=add HTTP/2.0", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php/php80-two-fpm.sock:", host: "chicabow.com", referrer: "https://chicabow.com/admin/?app=core&module=members&controller=members" This is part of the Invasion software: MySQL server has gone away in /var/www/chicabow.com/htdocs/system/Db/Db.php:638 The line it is referencing, unfortunately, is just the part of the code that generates the error message. So, not helpful.
  2. I am self-hosted, and I'm my own hosting company. This is a virgin UBUNTU 22.04 installation on a VM running on an ESXI server. Why does everything else work just fine, JUST the member approval / confirmation portion is failing?
  3. In fact, as an additional information, the same happens when I attempt to manually create a new user. This is on an UBUNTU server, with MYSQL and PHP 8.0 - the dashboard claims that everything is fine (ie all software versions are what it wants), yet this one glaring issue persists.
  4. When users get their registration emails, the link goes to a page that never finishes loading and generates a MYSQL error. Likewise, when I attempt to manually approve new users, I get the 'LOADING' message at the bottom, and after approx a minute, the same 'TEMPORARY ERROR, MYSQL WENT AWAY' . so somehow, MYSQL appears to time out. So far everything else works, just not the new user registration / approval / verification. Any ideas?
  5. Right, but does anyone know of any specific issues they have encountered?
  6. OK, the issue appears to have been the REDIS cache. After disabling it, and disabling all plugins and applications, switching to PHP 8.0 yielded a functional site. Finally. Gonna leave it running (after I enabled the minimal plugins and apps) to make sure it holds up, and then will finally tackle the 4.7.6 update, followed by a switch to PHP 8.1 or PHP 8.2. Hopefully this will be useful to others.
  7. Disabled REDIS (switched to FileSystem). Switched to PHP8.0. This is the error I'm getting. 2023/01/18 06:32:26 [error] 52262#52262: *66 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Declaration of IPS\forums\hook638::getItemsWithPermission($where = [], $order = null, $limit = 10, $permissionKey = 'read', $includeHiddenItems = IPS\Content\Hideable::FILTER_AUTOMATIC, $queryFlags = 0, ?IPS\Member $member = null, $joinContainer = false, $joinComments = false, $joinReviews = false, $countOnly = false, $joins = null, $skipPermission = false, $joinTags = true, $joinAuthor = true, $joinLastCommenter = true, $showMovedLinks = false) must be compatible with IPS\forums\ignoretopics_hook_topicModel::getItemsWithPermission($where = [], $order = null, $limit = 10, $permissionKey = 'read', $includeHiddenItems = IPS\Content\Hideable::FILTER_AUTOMATIC, $queryFlags = 0, ?IPS\Member $member = null, $joinContainer = false, $joinComments = false, $joinReviews = false, $countOnly = false, $joins = null, $skipPermission = false, $joinTags = true, $joinAuthor = true, $joinLastCommenter = true, $showMovedLinks = false, $location = null) in /var/www/chicabow.com/htdocs/i" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: chicabow.com, request: "GET /index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=index&do=plugin_recentTopics&csrfKey=0085e4835beb97e2ed1f2716750706a3 HTTP/2.0", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php/php80-two-fpm.sock:", host: "chicabow.com", referrer: "https://chicabow.com/"
  8. I keep getting random errors claiming errors in the theme (freshly created default theme), or broken formatting of the loaded page - reloading usually fixes the formatting. So, I was thinking that it may be a caching issue (despite me repeatedly wiping the forum caches). I used REDIS as a means to accelerate and cache both the forum and MySQL - could it be that it is REDIS (a caching system that is being used less and less) causing my issue? What is the cleanest alternate setting under the ADVANCED CONFIGURATION --> DATA STORAGE ? I'm assuming FILE SYSTEM might even be more 'plain vanilla' than 'MySQL Database'? What is everyone else using?
  9. This is all the extensions/modules in existing PHP 7.4, so let me switch to PHP 8.0 again, and see how that fares. Thank you!
  10. That would be IPB, since the issue is with the forum and my still failing upgrades to PHP8. I'm running on PHP7.4, with Redis caching for mySQL, which is rock solid. The moment I update my server to PHP8.0, things get unstable, themes are broken, error messages that disappear when I reload a page, etc... Even with all plugins and all applications disabled, and switching to default theme. Reverting to PHP7.4, and everything is stable again. My first suspicion is that I might be missing some needed modules in PHP8.0 - is there a document detailing the PHP8.0 requirements?
  11. This is all nice and good, and while I'm totally in favor of forcing such tech updates - I just ran into nightmares when updating my site's backend to PHP 8.0 (same with PHP 8.1), and had to revert back to PHP 7.4 for the time being. The PHP 8 compatibility scanner flagged ONE plugin, which I had subsequently removed, and yet my site was still badly broken, requiring me to revert back to PHP 7.4. So, the compatibility scanner, right now, doesn't appear to catch things like Themes (IPSFocus themes were broken) or other issues even within IPS 4.7.2. While we are heading into November, I hope these issues will be addressed.
  12. Not quite sure why my currently active license does not include support requests anymore - the support request page sent me here. I'm updated my self-hosted Invision site to PHP 8.1, which showed some themes as incompatible and some other incompatibilities . so far so good. In the process of working with these, I have accidentally deleted the default Invision theme, and can't find any place to download it from. So, first of all - HELP with that please and get me some way to get that theme back, please. Next, how do I get someone to check into my site and let me know what all the issues are, and if I should just revert back to PHP 7.4? Help please.
  13. FYI - works fine with current version of 4.5.x This does not work, by the way. -- EDIT: Never mind, it *does* work, but there are several 'anon_poster_hash', be sure to hit them all.
  14. Will you be updating this for 4.5?
  15. For some reason, the plugin for "Disallow Ignored Members From Replying in My Topics" seems to have disappeared and been removed from the MarketPlace - but it's a very cool enhancement, and I would love an update to 4.5 for it. Can someone help?
  16. Neither are we - returning the attitude! Seriously, if you can't be helpful, you should just shut up, instead of buggering up this thread.
  17. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PLUGIN! Works great, when it does, but obviously some sites won't support it. Thus, articles in Newsweek.com do not generate a preview (like this one https://www.newsweek.com/ca-sees-record-increase-new-covid-19-cases-more-20000-5-days-1512421 ). I'm just reporting this here so you know, and maybe something can be done to improve this. I'm very happy with the plugin and what it does.
  18. ... and, I would like to add, this is awesome! It only took me 2 seconds to decided to purchase this. Worth every penny!
  19. 10 years later, and here we are - NOTHING. it’s pretty obvious that Invision developers and product managers, simply said, just don’t care about providing an effective and functional ignore function. This is most likely the case because none of them run their own forums, and thus (as usual) don’t actually have any clue as to what functionality is useful for a forum. There is a plug-in from Adriano Faria (thank you @Adriano Faria), “Disallow Ignored Members From Replying in My Topics” which does a great job allowing forum members to keep their threads clean of members they ignore - though the ignored members still see the topic, they can not reply or post in it. This is a great start. I guess the only way to get a proper reciprocal ignore feature is to commission a developer to create it - I’ve asked around, and quoted prices range anywhere from a couple of $100 to nearly $1,500. Might be worth it, seeing as how this will never happen from Invision.
  20. When I do go to : https://chat.mywebserver.com/_oauth/mywebserver it does spit back a nice message of "Login completed. Click here to close this window.", which I guess is a positive indication that things ARE somewhat working the proper way... Where could I find the logs of rocket.chat? I feel that I am incredibly close to making this work (thanks, in large part, with your help. THANK YOU!) Found the logs 🙂 There's a whole lot of gobble-dee-gook about 'handshake failure'. I PM'd you the actual log entires, since it contains some information specific to my server, but maybe you see something that stands out?
  21. Made a little bit of progress - I figured out that I mistyped the actual URL of the oath location. Whoops. Before, it stated that 'this page does not exist'. After I corrected that, it properly gives me the button login option via the forum - but when I click that, it sits there thinking for 2-3 seconds, clears the screen, and then drops right back to the same login window. Grrr... Two steps forward, one step back.
  22. Also, if I attempt to login using IPB account credentials, that's not working for me either.
  23. I've pretty much followed these instructions, but the 'USERS ONLINE' widget doesn't show any of the users in the Rocket.Chat. Any suggestions? This is with using the IPB OAuth API.
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