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Ocean West

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Everything posted by Ocean West

  1. You could merge you Guidelines into your Terms and simply appropriate your Guidelines as a pricing page. Use the translation tool to rename Guidelines to Pricing?
  2. I had a custom button on my editor and since the last update it is missing. Is there any "protected" section of the Editor that we could use to store custom buttons so we don't have to recreate them each update?
  3. been getting notices about changes to Google analytics is this something works already with ISP?
  4. There should be ACP log for when things are enabled or disabled - especially as part of a bulk operation. Using the ACP support feature to disable or by SOP by IPS when reviewing tickets use of this will disable apps / plugins and advertisements. Having a timestamped log of when and what items was disabled it may make it easier to enable things so you can be back to business without extra struggle. Namely advertisements which may have expired or ads that may be turned off for other reasons you have know way of knowing which ads were disabled during this bulk operation.
  5. But if during reviewing tickets it is standard practice that IPS disables everything (including advertisements) anytime this is performed all affected items really need to be logged somewhere. Trying to figure out ads that were turned off for a reason or that have expired it is near impossible to look at an ad unit and know without a lot of ACP acrobatics if the subscription is current and paid, or if the ad is an in house ad with out an attached subscription. I consider ads no different the content, granted if you injecting HTML yea that makes sense why you'd want it to be disabled. Please add logging for such actions.
  6. I had an open ticket last week perhaps who ever looked at the site did something and disabled everything? Because all apps too are disabled. When these mass actions happen they need to be logged somewhere because trying to unscramble this egg is time consuming.
  7. So I do not consider any banner Advertisements that just show a PNG or GIF and a link to a site that do not have any HTML should have any affect to the upgrade process all the images are locally stored and they only have a url to open a link. It turns out during a recent upgrade ALL of my advertisements were turned off. And now I had to spend time to figure out who needed to remain off and who needed to be restored. If you must disable them during the update process PLEASE log somewhere which once were disabled (timestamped) and then offer us ability to restore the advertisements that were disabled during the process.
  8. you could have your host block entire countries until you get it sorted may give you a bit more time before you can plug the point of entry.
  9. The info is updated - could you peek at the logs too there seems to be duplicate entries.
  10. Is it possible to get upload by CSV vs XML?
  11. Hey it would be kind of cool to customize the gift cards with photos from Pixelbay
  12. until

    Suggestion: Post event URL instead of perpetually showing the Link to the event (that is over) it should link to the recorded presentation
  13. until

    So what is up with time zone calculations? It clearly says 10:30 AM (PDT) something is way off I came in and seen it was already happened. Please consider some date time conversion https://dateful.com/eventlink
  14. I am finding I have a lot of "custom" Friendly URLs that have the "revert" option - I've screen shot a few and reverted them and they look identical not sure if this was just legacy stuff that never got a second look.
  15. Is there a way to know what the "revert" is suppose to be on Friendly URLS with out actually reverting the item? - once you revert it you have no idea what it turns into? Is there a list of published Friendly URLs of what the defaults are?
  16. ok this has something to do with Friendly URLs that have been there forever - should revert all these?
  17. Just updated but when I go to my Events I get error 1S160/2. Says Sorry! Page You Requested Doesn't Exist.
  18. Never seen update take this long I am stuck at step 4 extracting, been like that for several minutes. Should I refresh the page? resolved - refresh worked.
  19. Third Party Resource Check We’re checking your installed third party resources for compatibility before the upgrade process. This check is of the installed resources and However this process may not find all incompatibilities during this check. When you During upgrade, your Applications and Plugins will again be scanned again for compatibility issues. If incompatibility is found that would cause your community to break, those Applications and Plugins will be automatically disabled. To prevent your community from breaking; any Applications and Plugins that do not pass this scan will be marked as incompatible and automatically disabled. 1 Resource needs updating After the upgrade process is complete, install the updated resource from the Marketplace. If that updated resource is compatible, it can remain enabled. If the updated resource causes your community to break, that Application or Plugin will need to be disabled. 6 Resources do is are not compatible and does do not have compatible updates This These resources can be removed if not in use. It should be assumed that this these resources will be disabled during upgrade if incompatible. If this there is a resource you require, you may wish to postpone the upgrade. 7 Resources are marked compatible by the their author. The These resource may be disabled during upgrade if incompatible. 8 Custom resources may need require your attention These are not able to be reviewed in by this resource check. The These resources may be disabled during upgrade if incompatible.
  20. hard to test until next update. when I click in the email field my usual site accounts are not listed I have to click in to password field to show my account credentials. (from 1password)
  21. Is there something off with the meta name of this field? For some reason it does not behave like the log in form with regards interacting with 1Password. It's been miss behaving last several versions, can't remember when it started.
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