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Everything posted by Sonya*

  1. I am asked again and again, why my app FX Pages changes the theme. And if it is safe to confirm new versions on the screen below. And if it will break their theme... This is due to the message the users see when an upgrade for Pages templates is there. The message says the new version of the theme (there is no new theme!) has changed the templates they have edited (they do not have edited any!). Can we have a message that states what really happens? E. g. Some templates have been changed in the new version of the application. Please confirm the changes. It would be also nice to have the message formatted as a warning (ipsMessage_warning) instead of an error. Just to not frighten the user 😉 And ideally have a button where we confirm all new versions with just one click. For non-technical users, those screens with a lot of code are dreadful 😨 Thank you!
  2. It is explained here https://invisionify.com/fxpages/features/table-of-contents/#toc0
  3. This is how the software describes what it is doing 🤨 And at the same time: This is from the first post of the thread. One of the descriptions should be false.
  4. If your own page is made with Pages, then you can add this to the page template: {{\IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles, \IPS\Theme::i()->css( 'forums.css', 'forums', 'front' ) );}}
  5. I have found a reason. I see HTTP 429 on https://example.com/search/?csrfKey=b2350d2512bdf123166bf04d9be93ff5&q=test&page=1 every time I search in the overlay. I have increased Delay to start search to 1s and seems to work now. It comes back when I enable autocomplete. I am not sure right now, if it is a server setting or your app sending too much requests in a short time. 🤨
  6. Hi, if I use overlay search, no results are found for a certain term. If I switch to Advanced Search, 6 results are found. After clicking on advanced search No errors in logs. I use ElasticSearch if it matters.
  7. @DawPi, your app is almost perfect. However, I am missing content fields in Pages. I see custom links perfectly parsed in forum posts, calendar events, comments, and reviews in Pages. But the content field (article body) is not respected. This is critical for me. 😞
  8. Not yet. I am still somewhere in between Custom Links by @DawPi not reinventing the wheel and a plugin preventing linking itself. I tend to write my plugin though.
  9. Should it work in Pages as well? It seems not adding links to content field.
  10. There were two different requirements. I have quoted the one, that he can achieve without any customization.
  11. One question. Does Limit Link restrict the linking inside a page or a single content piece? I mean, if I have a topic where a word is repeated again and again in every post, then it will be linked in every post. It would not link twice inside one post, but there would be 10 links on one page if the word is used in 10 posts on the topic. Right?
  12. This is possible out of the box. In your ACP go to the Themes and click on the Manage Resources in the line with the Theme. Search for default_photo.png, edit and replace with whatever you like Then go to Profiles in ACP and enable Use the theme's default profile photo
  13. I am going to release a new version this week. Generally, you can create your own JS and CSS files and add them to your page instead of those delivered with the app. JS and CSS will be replaced silently during the upgrade, so you are going to lose all your custom changes if you have modified the original FXPages JS and CSS. I will look into it, however, generally I stick to the IPS framework and UI widgets to be sure it works on every theme out there. So I will not heavily modify the standard IPS functionality to avoid a lot of support.
  14. @Stuart Silvester, what Open Search version do you use currently?
  15. Check your .htaccess for friendly URLs: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/promotion/seo-r295/#furls Upload it another time, sometimes it is broken after moving.
  16. @MartinLawrence this sounds like something I have made recently. I have created a custom database in Pages, where records are set to be future published. This database is visible for admin only, so no impact on content presented to your users. It is just a schedule. Once the record is published (this is done automatically by IPS via cron), the method onPublish() is executed. You can hook into this method to add your tasks. The hook is executed only, when the records are published, once they are published, the hook is not triggered, so no need to lock something. Probably it helps.
  17. I would go with Google Ad Manager or Revive Ad Server. There are tons of other settings you may need if you would like to run sophisticated ad campaigns. IPS will never get all the features the dedicated ad servers offer.
  18. Some common suggestions can be found here https://invisionify.com/blog/banner-advertising/ If you mean, you let AdSense add ads dynamically, then no. I would not do it, as this way you fully lose control. You also would not be able to reproduce what happens on the user's side. Or what your guests see. It can break your layout without you knowing about it, causing high bounce rates and a bad user experience.
  19. I can see ads on some of your pages AdSense needs some time to index your pages for the ads. It needs to inspect the content to know what ad would suit best your audience inside your content. That's why you would see a lot of blanks at the very beginning. Page impressions by IPS are just page views. This number does not tell IF the ad has been shown, it only shows how often the ad code has been called (loaded) by IPS. Even if the ad is outside of the viewport and could not be even seen, IPS will count a page impression for the ad. So, it is merely a page view rather than an ad impression. The real number of ad impressions is in your AdSense stats.
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