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Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. This is the support topic for this application:
  2. As Jim advised it's best to change the setting to log only errors of level 3 or above then: === Good point. If he converted the database to utf8mb4 before the upgrade all tables are duplicated.
  3. The only thing that stands out in that list is ibf_core_error_logs that has a lot of data. I'm guessing the setting to prune those logs is disabled, but other than that those are all "normal" tables to see in that list. EDIT: But yeah, as Jim mentioned that's the rows count and not the table size. You'll have to look at that in phpMyAdmin (or whatever other tool you have access to).
  4. Maybe you have the settings to prune logs disabled? Those can end up taking up a ton of space in the long run. Have a look at your database and check the tables size. Order them by size and post here the names (or a screenshot) of the first one.
  5. When you're in a report switch to the X User Reports tab and just hover on the user photo/name. Doing so will bring up the member's hovercard and you can find the PM button there. But yeah, it should probably be made more obvious just like for the reported member.
  6. I actually had the same issue myself yesterday here on this forum (or was it 2 days ago?). Using incognito mode and viewing the forum as a guest worked, but without it I kept getting an error for hours. In the end I fixed it by clearing my browser's cookies (error gone after that) and I just logged in again.
  7. He wants to display registration date anniversaries, not birthday anniversaries. It's based on a different date 😛
  8. Hit the wrong button and the post submitted by mistake. I've updated it. 😋 Most likely the author never updated it and at some point it was forgotten. Happens often sadly.
  9. Hmm, I don't recall seeing a plugin for that in the marketplace, but I might be wrong. It looks like a quick thing to code thought. As Marc above mentioned, you can try contacting someone from the Providers list to code it for you. I'm also in that list, if you're interested shoot me a PM. 😉
  10. You have a lot of JS errors on the page when I look at the browser's console. That is causing the menu (and everything else JS-related) to not work. In your ACP go to "System > Support> Clear System Caches" and see if that works.
  11. Edit the template core > global > plugins > tbSbltLocked: <span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_medium ipsBadge_negative" data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="topic_locked"}'><i class='fa fa-lock'></i> {lang="locked"}</span> Replace the CSS class ipsBadge_negative with anything else you want: either another ipsBadge_* class or some inline style. For badge-related classes have a look at this guide:
  12. Oh, never noticed that empty logs plugin. I guess mine has the category option compared to it. Yep, you don't have any logs in that screenshot: From your screenshot I also see that I forgot to consider File Logs thought, I'll add it to the next version.
  13. That code definitely looks okay. Not really sure why it isn't working. 🤔 Maybe something else is preventing it from running. Do you have any php error logged perhaps?
  14. While the board is IN_DEV mode clicking the ignore url in hovercards throws an exception: Example URL: https://localhost/ignore/?id=4&csrfKey=XXX === Whoops\Exception\ErrorException thrown with message "An 200 response is being sent however the CSRF key is present in the requested URL. CSRF keys should be sent via POST or the request should be redirected to a URL not containing a CSRF key once finished." Stacktrace: #8 Whoops\Exception\ErrorException in /system/Output/Output.php:810 #7 trigger_error in /system/Output/Output.php:810 #6 IPS\_Output:sendOutput in /init.php:913 #5 IPS\toolbox_hook_Output:sendOutput in /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php:173 #4 IPS\_Dispatcher:finish in /system/Dispatcher/Standard.php:113 #3 IPS\Dispatcher\_Standard:finish in /system/Dispatcher/Front.php:687 #2 IPS\Dispatcher\_Front:finish in /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php:155 #1 IPS\_Dispatcher:run in /init.php:913 #0 IPS\Dispatcher\toolbox_hook_dispatcherStandard:run in /index.php:13
  15. Hmm, that's odd. I am using that function in my apps too. What is your full code?
  16. The check most likely is done only if you go directly to /admin/upgrade. But that's the upgrader within the ACP.
  17. In case you are trying to pass raw text it won't work, the code accepts only language keys. You can work around it doing something like this though: //<?php # First setup the language keys here \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->words['new_title'] = "My New Title"; \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->words['new_text'] = "My New Text"; # Then call confirmDelete() \IPS\Request::i()->confirmedDelete( 'new_title', 'new_text' ); Or just add the language keys to your app/plugin. 😋
  18. What he said. If you're still worried about it you can just do this in your code: if ( \count( \IPS\Lang::languages() ) == 1 ) { \IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles, \IPS\Theme::i()->css( 'flags.css', 'core', 'global' ) ); } Check if there is only 1 language and then add the CSS file. If you ever add a new language the count will not be 1 and the default code you pasted will kick in instead.
  19. This code below is from applications/nexus/sources/Package/Group.php (lines 348-379): //<?php /** * [ActiveRecord] Duplicate * * @return void */ public function __clone() { if ( $this->skipCloneDuplication === TRUE ) { return; } $oldImage = $this->image; parent::__clone(); if ( $oldImage ) { try { $icon = \IPS\File::get( 'nexus_PackageGroups', $oldImage ); $newIcon = \IPS\File::create( 'nexus_PackageGroups', $icon->originalFilename, $icon->contents() ); $this->image = (string) $newIcon; } catch ( \Exception $e ) { $this->pg_image = NULL; } $this->save(); } } The name inside the catch is wrongly using the db table prefix pg_ and should be removed: $this->image = NULL;
  20. Just a quick note that the next version will add a new de-bump option. 😉 I'm working on a few other things first but it should be available soon.
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