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Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. @Daniel F I made a test topic in the Test Posting forum so you can see the issue => https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/470928-emoji-test-✂️%EF%B8%8F/ The topic title contains this text: Emoji test => ✂️ And the url in Chrome browser on Windows (107.0.5304.123) is: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/470928-emoji-test-✂️%EF%B8%8F/
  2. Create a simple form with a number field with a minimum number required and an unlimited option with a 0 value: $form = new \IPS\Helpers\Form; $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'test', 0, FALSE, array( 'min' => 2, 'unlimited' => 0, 'unlimitedLang' => 'disabled' ) ) ); Now load the form, uncheck the Disabled checkbox, and submit the form. Once you've done all the steps this is the error that appears right under the number field: The error makes you believe you have to insert at least 3 but the field does indeed accept a 2 value. The correct error should instead be:
  3. New 1.0.1 version submitted, pending IPS approval: Until it's approved you can view a preview of the hovercard on my site where the screenshot is already available: https://invisionbyte.net/files/file/295-tb-manage-profiles-in-acp/
  4. You need to create the file and then upload it to your server with some kind of FTP program (like FileZilla, WinSCP, etc).
  5. Actually when you click the SAVE button after creating the bulk email that's exactly what it does. The bulk email is saved, and you can just return to the bulk emails list from the menu ignoring the CONTINUE EDITING or PROCEED buttons on the page that opens next. IPS can certainly make it more clear with a RETURN TO LIST button or something though.
  6. The error usually shows up when adding a new index to a table (so upgrades mainly, as Mark said). The code does have some checks in place so automatically adjust the index length, but it can still fail in some circumstances.
  7. Sometimes you might get errors like this one below if you're not using DYNAMIC row format (especially on upgrades): Specified key was too long; max key length is XXXX bytes
  8. Upload the images in that same location, but instead of using the media tag just right click on the image you want to use and copy the image's link. Then use that in your HTML.
  9. COMPACT format has a reduced length for indexes in tables compared to DYNAMIC. If you're not seeing the option in that list you need to contact your hosting about enabling it. https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/innodb-row-format.html
  10. If the task is locked you'll see an open lock button in the tasks list in ACP to unlock it.
  11. Well, you "can" update the database table manually to insert the marketplace file ID and link them without uninstalling them. This is something only someone who knows what they're doing should do though. And always make a backup before making any changes.
  12. Well, from your previous post the error is quite clear: If the issue is your server running out of space IPS can't really fix the code not being able to create new files because of it... 🙄
  13. I think it was still around until 3.1.4 at least.
  14. You're thinking of the old "Trash Can Forum" setting in IP.Board 3.x. It was removed in 4.x (or late 3.4.x versions; can't recall exactly) and was replaced by the soft delete Marc just mentioned above.
  15. It's better to run queries on such big tables from SSH rather than phpMyAdmin.
  16. Send me a PM with some more details on what you're trying to do and I can take a look if you want. 🙂
  17. I see you have another Go To Top modification in that list. Based on the name it should do something similar, if not you can give this one a try instead:
  18. Back To Top is most likely the culprit. I've seen plenty of forums going down because it's not compatible with PHP 8. As for the logo, your old theme should still be there. You can just switch back to it. 👍
  19. That would require some kind of modification. Or you could enter both manual option in the same field.
  20. Not exactly a bug, but it's not really needed to keep an empty file around either: \applications\core\setup\upg_107500\upgrade.php The file contains a single empty upgrade step: public function step1() { return TRUE; }
  21. From that screenshot you also seem to have mixed charset values: utf8_unicode_ci and utf8mb4_unicode_ci. All tables should be using utf8mb4_unicode_ci instead.
  22. This is the support topic for this modification:
  23. When you reset/change the main licensed URL the test URL is reset at the same time. Someone from IPS might be able to just reset the test URL for you, but you'll need to wait for them to see this topic.
  24. I don't remember any default option to prune topics with no reply after X days. Are you using some kind of modification perhaps? It could be updated to support also a last viewed date. Or you can have a completely new one made since the software doesn't store a topic's last view date in the first place. You'd also need to account for that in the code.
  25. That's something you should check with your hosting. Every server has its own setup. However, have you already tried running the Requirements Checker? There might be missing PHP extensions causing the error.
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