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Posts posted by Summit360

  1. Hi all,

    This isn't the first time I've tried to do an update and been thwarted.

    The upgrade process is basically stuck at sign in, so after step one confirm upgrade.

    Just the spinner, no console errors.  Have signed in and out here a few times, plus in and out of the marketplace.

    We've tried previous releases but it's always failed, we're told it's due to cloudflare. Well we're not behind cloudflare now and it's just as bad. 🙂

    I'm tempted to do a manual upload but don't know if the upgrade needs to call home and as such we'd be blocked mid upgrade. FYI a test server idenitical setup has zero issues upgrading. Much confusion here 🙂

    Anyone have any insight into what might be causing it to loop/hang... ?

  2. On 7/29/2022 at 5:52 PM, Randy Calvert said:

    Personally instead of trying to take the stick approach, I would try the carrot approach and contact IPS accounts and billing team PRIVATELY (https://invisioncommunity.com/contact-us/) and make your case there.

    😄I was under the impression this was the mechanism to communicate with the team for support and get peer to peer advice. Previously it would of been private via the support system 😉

    I'm not using a stick, I'm surprised is all. Thank you for your quoting, it will help many more I'm sure. I was being slightly sarcastic about the Eula back in 20##. Reflecting more in the change a company goes through as it evolves. I brought licenses to other software instead, the ipb ones will die with me. 

  3. I'd say it's an elastic issue based on some system logs, although given that was ok before the upgrade... possibly an issue post.

    IPS\Content\Search\Elastic\Exception (0) cluster_block_exception: blocked by: [FORBIDDEN/12/index read-only / allow delete (api)];

    It's a hosted cluster for what it's worth. That's not quite hit my storage alarm, but has nonetheless, hit a problem. 

  4. Would appear the assumption that all was well was mistimed. The rebuild got underway around 3hours ago and activity appeared to flow. However checking back in, the posts and unread content are all for nought since 3hours ago. 

    In lieu of any other information, further assistance is required as this is the lifeblood of figuring out what's going on in the community. Thanks.

  5. The Registered users viewing the page block. We have it on topic page footers. This hasn't been tracking users on topics since the upgrade to 4.6.6. Was working fine before. Have gone through the something not working loop, no joy.

    Reading the release notes for 4.6.6, guessing there is another job/task to be done to move this block on again?

    Anyone any ideas?

  6. Confusing as we did the dynamic switch ages ago, so it looks like new tables created recently had the compact. Will check mysql config for a default value.


    core_achievements_log however falls over due to a duplicated key

    ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '132780.2021-09-16-core_SessionStartDaily' for key 'lookup'

    Please advise, and or if this impacts the search index at all... which I'm poised to run now as my gut says none of these tables should be altering activity feed or posts behaviour.

  7. I've slept on the email and on the first 14pages of this topic.  WOW!

    12 month billing industry standard? Almost all of the services I use are per hour, per month, most offer an annual discount. Those that only have annual, TBH, they have something to fear to lock you in. Even microsoft do monthly 😉  who/what is a standard?  Be better by differentiating and offering your customers what they need.

    Silver linings: I'm assuming search will be getting a really good overhaul, elastic 7? If we're to search for issues first. TBH I still just use `site:domain.tld` in google here and on my own sites. 

    I can actually stand the price increases. But I'm not impressed at all, at how it's been done. Trust was a word used before, I'll reiterate that and add reputation. Now I don't want to renew on the principal of it, and to support those who had this foisted upon them. 

    I understand the support changes too. As a developer of 25+years and engineering manager for many, I see my peers on support, their productivity is far lower. £ for £ I get more from my non-support folk. However, they tear through bugs, keep paying customers happy with super quick response times & prompt fixes. Sure we have the odd customer who is a 'burden' but we see it, if we can make it work for them, then 80% of the others won't bother us. Now if I could offload support to customers... win. #fail If multiple similar questions asked, add it to a knowledgebase, dev or customer led, #win.

    Could also get rid of the annoying config/server queries by bumping the price up to a bearable, but mostly prohibitive figure? ...win. #fail Ultimately at $1250, that's an hour work a month I'd expect in return. Or one serious forum offline help me get it back. If I was raising that level of support queries, IPS isn't the best. I'd pay $100 per serious issue escalation or guaranteed resolution, not a sort it yourself as your not cloud hosted...

    I didn't have premium support before, didn't feel I needed it, support was great; ok, mostly ok, a little difficult as self hosted, no sftp, 2fa etc for the dozen tickets or so over a decade. Had one bad upgrade, 4.5 to 4.6.6 yesterday ironically.

    Community support no sla? That in essence, and at worst is, no support, a suggestion that breaks more than it fixes, an escalation to a ticket at some point/trigger?, or premium support! Well let's try it for a quarter, nowt to lose now.

    I'd save a big chunk of my monthly going to your cloud offering, except I'd rather eat my own notebook. I choose to self host, I enjoy it and I can optimise it, tune it, debug it. Ican upgrade when it's not a buggy .0/.1 release.  I pay for an sla with service providers and pay for more with many companies whom I trust... who are open, transparent and fair. Who reward their evangelists and support the 3rd party community. 

    not bad news... just wow.

  8. Upgraded our test site. Only got a handful of users on it, but alas the achievements seems to be rather greedy.

    1601133500% (32022670/2)

    The  Rebuild achievements rule nexus_Subscription is just running and running. As it's a test site there is no support, but I can't find a way to stop this job from running. I've disabled achievements but it still gets picked up on the cron job and spins the server load up. Only a test server, but still would like to kill this job. I'm sure there used to be a bugs board or something on here too. 

    I opted into the new achievements during the upgrade. I'd prefer not to delete all the rules as I was hoping to explore the new achievements. 

    Anyone got an ideas?



  9. Hi great work, looking forward to v3 for IPB4.5.


    I'm currently warming some members up to it on the v2.4.7. Just learning all the new options and making a few minor tweaks.


    One thing I can't quite seem to get right is the @mentions. That is I can make it right for light, but then dark looks out and vice versa.  I'd almost say no colour at all would be better.

    I did look at the demo which seems to be making use of css vars 🙂 although they are not, or don't seem to be in 2.4.7.

    Any thoughts on this one?

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