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IPBSupport.de last won the day on October 1 2010

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  1. Anyone there who can say WHERE (!) and WHAT (!) we must delete in the skin to remove the invision marker? :blink:
  2. You must only set "allow_url_fopen" in your php.ini to "On" (or you host should do it for you, when you cant change it yourself). :) Edit: Just click on the username in the onlinelist :)
  3. Mh, but other users use the spam service and it workes fine but the Chatservice dont work (also dont work on my server). Can u tell us how we must configure our server to use the chatservice?
  4. I think here on this board is not the last version of the (beta !!!) classic blue skin installed :)
  5. Okay, but you can convert one of the Polls... Or not? I know a SMF-Converter (WBB3 -> SMF) and they (can) convert one poll per topic... I know. That was my question, may be it could be a error on the IPS website ;)
  6. A member of our forum has asked the question, why the WBB3 -> IP.Board Converter dont convert Polls? Or is the information on the IPS Convertor Page wrong? And: When buy the "Conversion Service" (WBB3 -> IP.Board)... Can the IPS.Staff Member convert Polls within the "Conversion Service"?
  7. *sign* A unsubscribe link would be great, also for the newsletter system!
  8. A little SUG: Can IPS post the changes on the language files? Just see a mistake on our german language pack and now found changes on the languagepack (e.g. admin_newuser). For international users its a very big step to check ALL language bits manually for changes... :(
  9. I dont know why IPS ignore those requests !? A lot of customers already been asked for it: Making gender and birthday non-editable after registration Requiring Birthday at registration on Beta Auto Welcome, Birthday required on Reg, Group Title Permi... Birthday? Birthday on Registration Birthday Required on Registration? Birthday field on registration ...and now this new topic. All (!) fields can be edited via the ACP, only the birthday field is not editable. :blink: :(
  10. Uh brandon, nice work - can you update it for 3.x? :shifty:
  11. File Name: German Language Pack ("DU") from IPBSupport.de - IP.Board 3.0.x File Submitter: IPBSupport.de File Submitted: 10 Aug 2009 File Updated: 25 Oct 2009 File Category: Language Packs IPBSupport Sprachpaket f
  12. File Name: IDM GDK 1.0 for Photoshop File Submitter: IPBSupport File Submitted: 17 Oct 2006 File Category: IDM 1.0 Modifications Graphics development kit of the Invision Download Manager buttons: - SEARCH - MODOPTIONS - ADDFILE The GDK (in Photoshop format) can be used to adjust the colors of the buttons. Click here to download this file
  13. The board index onlinestats (X members, X guests, X anonymous users) should be ONE lang-string. At the moment i cant translate those language strings to german to give it a sense... On the forum index page (and ALL other pages) "X members, X guests, X anonymous users" is one language string, the string for the boardindex changed from IP.Board 2.x -> 3.x from one to three strings. Why? :ph34r:
  14. I mean the format, not the birthday dates :) All time formats on the board can be change (ACP ~> System Settings ~> Advanced ~> Date, Time and Number Formats ~> Date and Time Formats) but not the birthday format... :ermm: Yes! :cool: And we will use in germany DD.MM.YYYY :)
  15. Hello, i have postet it as a bug a few days before (here) and now suggest it here: Please make the birthday time format (profile) editable (with the time settings in the ACP). Same for (all) other not editable time formats on the board (dont found other yet). :thumbsup:
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