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Everything posted by LiquidFractal

  1. re: the Keywords app: Would it be possible to implement custom CSS for the keywords? I'd like the keywords on my site to have a different colour (and perhaps look) from the traditional blue link. It would also let my users know that a given word is a keyword as opposed to just another generic link.
  2. Thanks @AlexWright...but for some reason the custom.css code isn't doing anything, and I had already checked the page liting and don't have a "home" selection. Double whammy! EDIT: never mind...for some strange reason the home page is titled differently, so the home page issue is worked out. But apparently the persistence link underlining is a CSS issue according to some quick Google research.
  3. Hi @TAMAN, I bought both your Swiper Slider and the News Ticker. ? A couple of things: I tried using the code for the "Buy now" button, and the button comes up but the words have a link underline where ideally I'd like them to not be underlined. Is there more inline code I could include to change the word style? Could you please explain how one gets the slider to appear only on the homepage, as you indicated I could do? I obviously know I can select certain apps and pages, but as I'm not sure how Pages classifies the homepage I'm not sure how to exclude the SS from every page except the homepage. Thanks!
  4. +++1 for this great idea of having different sliders on different apps/pages (having the option for a different slider on a per-page basis would be totally cool granularity ). I'd also add that it would be great to be able to configure, on a per-slider basis, whether or not members could toggle on/off. Once people have registered I might want them to be able to turn off my splash page advertised-services slider, but maybe I want everyone to see a different slider for as long as I want to broadcast it. Ok, I guess this answers one of my questions: it can't be set splash-page only. But as long as my members can get rid of it if they want after they register, that's still a good idea! Does the toggle state persist with the member's last choice, e.g. if they log in the following day will it still be toggled as they previously set it?
  5. Sorry if this is a bit of a thread-hijack for one of your other apps, and not sure if I asked this before, but: is it possible with the separate Swiper Slider app to have the Slider only display on the home page? Also, from the Swiper Slider screenshots it seems as if you can create as many slides as you want. Is this the case? I ask this because there are limitations on the Magnum Theme slider, but I'd be happy to purchase the independent slider if it solves these issues. I also notice that the SS allows members to toggle the Slider on/off. A very cool option which might address my issue above, but it isn't clear from the screenshots how this is done. Is there a button on the slider the Member can click?
  6. Yeah, I guess so! I was just thinking of a line of descriptive text below the option - something to provide some on-the-fly info. for those of us who might be interested in SEO but don't work regularly with the terms. make sure the user group that has "can change author" enabled in ACP->members->group-><your group> Double checked, and "can change author" is enabled (I'm using the Admin group so I know everything is enabled). I just edited a keyword this moment and saved, but I still get the blank after "by." could you elaborate a bit more on this? Well, if I'm writing something relatively short for forums, then in some cases just a hovercard with information would suffice. But if I'm writing a longer article where I might want to include more information in the hovercards, I might want to alter the width of the hovercard for articles to better format the information. But maybe I'm just splitting hairs on this one. With this in mind, thinking out loud it seems to me that maybe having the ability to change hovercard width for different apps (e.g. somewhat larger size for articles vs. forums or blog posts) may be useful. And/or, the ability to offer a "short" definition (2-3 sentences max) and a longer definition the user can click through to? The short definition always shows up on the hovercard, but the user has the option to choose to read the longer one. Maybe some of these ideas are selfish though, as I'm an arts/humanities guy who is using these to define rhetorical terms and other abstract concepts. Well, for my part I'd like to tie the stats into Rules, where if certain keywords reach X amount of hits (aliases or otherwise) then I get an email notifying me of popular keywords. So ideally I'd like to reset them once they're in place and start from scratch. I think I was talking about URL definitions here, where there's no hovercard - just a link to the URL or page with more information. very good point! Hadn't thought of that. ?
  7. Sorry, but once I get going I get going ? About URL Keywords: I think that instead of providing just a link to the external page definition it would be better to incorporate the entire definition (including URL) into a hovercard, because otherwise, except for the opportunity to include variants (aliases) it's really almost just like any other link, right? IMHO you should take advantage of the cool hovercard interface to include both the URL and any other short descriptive text the author wants to include. It would also alert the user that an alias links back to the core keyword term if they aren't clearly related to each other, since the link might not be self-evident to the user.
  8. One more issue and a suggestion (running on 4.3): 1. A minor issue: the editing author name is missing from the keyword view/edit page: 2. Do you have plans for a more granular approach to keywords? For example, if one wants only hovercards for forums, but for longer articles the option for larger hovercards and/or links? I see this as a really, really promising app and if this were possible it would take it to a whole new level! 3. Might it be possible to include a way of clearing stats so that testing isn't incorporated into the statistics?
  9. Ok, I just purchased Keywords/Tooltips. I'm running it under IPS 4.3 and there appear to be a couple of outstanding issues: Changing the Tooltip default width seems to have no effect (if it's supposed to control the width of the pop-up hovercard, as "Hovercard Settings" suggests). I changed it to 1400, so it there was a change I'd have seen it. For the life of me I can't get the alphabetical keyword filter to appear at the top of the Keywords screen. I have the Disable Filters button turned OFF. Am I missing something? Apart from that, it would be good to mention in the instructions that "Keywords" is included in the Menu Manager and that one can just select it like other apps to include the link to the Keywords page in your menu. Other apps do this automatically, but if Keywords isn't going to do this it's helpful to tell people right off the bat so that they aren't wondering how to access the Keywords page (it took me about 60 sec to figure out, but others might ask questions so this could save some grief). Moreover, a bit of information about what happens if one chooses to de/select "skip adding nofollow noopener noreferrer on URL keywords" would helpful for people who may not know this offhand. Otherwise, enjoying the first impressions of this app and hoping my issues can be resolved. EDIT: the default width issue seems to have sorted itself out (maybe it was a cache issue). Moreover, the alphabetical keyword filter appears once you've entered keywords across more than one beginning letter (docs? )
  10. Awesome...you are gradually convincing me to invest in this app ? So I'm getting that this might add overhead to page load time or something? At any rate, it's great that the "First Mention" thing is in the works. Thanks!
  11. I also wonder if it might be possible to include a "first occurrence only" function which only highlights the first occurrence of a word in an article or forums entry? While I see KW as really really useful, if you're discussing a concept or term there might be times when it's annoying to see the same word highlighted throughout an article. I'm just thinking out loud here, but what if there were a function similar to Mentioning someone with the at-sign where you could mark any individual occurrence of word X in a forums post or article or blog post as a KW (e.g., with "%" or something)? If you wanted to you could obviously revert to having every instance marked, but this would give the writer more control over how their material is presented. Just a thought .
  12. Thanks @CodingJungle - the truncation would definitely be a great idea! I also think offhand that the ability to specify apps in which Keywords are not used may be useful. For example, I'm not sure I'd want keywords showing up in PMs, but would want them everywhere else. You get the idea. If you could give me some more info. on this when you have the time it would be much appreciated. Just want to know as much as possible before committing.
  13. I am considering purchasing Keywords Tooltips for my site but have a few questions/suggestions: If I want to use Keywords to define concepts or terms, would it be possible to set a truncate value in lines, chars. etc. for the hovercard? In other words, to have the hovercard for the concept/term display X amount of lines/chars. with a "Read More" button which would then (like the linked word itself) link to the full-page keyword definition? I have the full Rules app; can you tell me something about the trigger events for Keywords? The truncation function, if it exists or could be implemented, would go some way toward me committing to this app. Thanks!
  14. Are there any plans to integrate Forms with @Kevin Carwile's Rules app? I know you've already included functions for things to do when a form has been submitted, e.g. send emails, PMs, etc., but right now the only things you can reach in Rules are triggered events related to Forms Logs, which is of very limited use. It would be great to be able to trigger more outcomes when forms are submitted, when certain values are included, or even when forms are left incomplete.
  15. A few other areas where there needs to be some customisation (either for my particular case or added to the theme): All of these are the menus for submitting images to a Gallery album. First, the Album Features: This view actually applies to the Ownership and Privacy options as well. Ditto for when you upload a series of images and click the Set copyright on all or the other buttons: Hopefully there is one set of CSS that will allow all these to be changed?
  16. I suppose I could, but for me the point is that they make the one-time acceptance of the terms. A checkbox can be unchecked, and it doesn't make sense to send through a form with the acceptance of the terms unchecked.
  17. Also wondering why there isn't an ability to make radio buttons REQUIRED? Ideally, I want a single radio button for accepting site terms of service, which is required to click in order to move forward (not a YES/NO pair). But there's no way to make it required.
  18. And would it be possible to hide the "Show Forms" button on a permissions basis? It can look rather clumsy and unprofessional when it's exposed to guests and you want to direct them to forms only off of certain pages.
  19. Would is also be possible to add a "Time of Day" field to allow people who fill out a form to specify a time or time range, e.g. 10:30am, 1:30pm-3pm etc?
  20. Ok, so I am hoping again there is some custom CSS I can use to change the appearance of the user Settings panel and/or the Fluid Forum view. Right now I have customised the ipsMenu background and background hover options, which works for the main page menu, but since the same attribute is used for user Settings panel: and the Fluid Forums view panel: I need to customise - if I had to choose one I need to customise the Fluid Forums view to suit the rest of the page. In fact, the coliour scheme of the original IPS theme would be perfect in that specific case. thanks in advance for your help!
  21. Hi @TAMAN, One small thing I did notice: the issue I had before with Firefox regarding the slider shading extending into the menu seems to have returned. The original issue was here: I have the same issue again, and as before only with Firefox.
  22. The only thing I did notice was that the front menu main bar's colour changed as well as the option hover colour (which is now red), but that's not really a big issue. Other than that all good...thanks!
  23. Thanks for the patch @TAMAN - worked fine. And for some reason the background issue worked itself out even though it didn't when I cleared the cache and CTRL-F5ed myself into oblivion (had disabled the background picker from the start). But hey - if it 'aint broke don't fix it. Just let me clarify - I wasn't directing that at you personally; I was more expressing the fact that I felt cursed because everything seemed to glitch up (and yes, as you say shT happens!) right when I was preparing the site for research groups and a few clients and everything happened at exactly the wrong time. Just exasperated at that moment, that's all. I continue to appreciate the fine work you do on the theme, and apologies for any misunderstanding of what I said.
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