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Everything posted by AlexWright

  1. @Fosters there does not appear to be a "bookmark" link in the Lightbox for Gallery. It does appear on the gallery page, but not anywhere on the actual opened image's Lightbox. Would it be possible to add a "bookmark" link there?
  2. Oh sorry. Upload an image from the Albums page. Click on that image to set description, caption. Expand "set tags", which should load the enhanced tags block too, but it's only doing this from the Add Images on album view, and not anywhere else. I'll make a video when I get home if needed.
  3. I'm not entirely sure. It occurs on all of our themes, but only from the Album view. We do have the setting "required tags" on and set to 1 if that makes a difference.
  4. Hi there, we're noticing some issues with this for Gallery. The tagging system only displays if a member uses the "add images" in an album, otherwise it won't load. This is from "add images" in the album view: And using the "Create Menu" or "Add Images" from category view: It would also appear that the selection for the tags no longer encompasses the entire tag, and gets cut off. Any help appreciated. Cheers!
  5. Hi @TAMAN! Found another (hopefully) quick edit. Mobile Theme mod CP dropdown, white text on a white background.
  6. Having the app enabled, attempt to edit blog post. Error: Class 'IPS\cms\Records5' not found (0) #0 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/init.php(458) : eval()'d code(191): IPS\Content\nbenhtagssystem_hook_nbEnhTagsSystemContentItem::formElements(Object(IPS\blog\Entry), Object(IPS\blog\Blog)) #1 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/init.php(458) : eval()'d code(14): IPS\Content\rules_hook_ipsContentItem::formElements(Object(IPS\blog\Entry), Object(IPS\blog\Blog)) #2 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/applications/blog/sources/Entry/Entry.php(381): IPS\Content\hook753::formElements(Object(IPS\blog\Entry), Object(IPS\blog\Blog)) #3 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/system/Content/Item.php(121): IPS\blog\_Entry::formElements(Object(IPS\blog\Entry), Object(IPS\blog\Blog)) #4 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/system/Content/Item.php(153): IPS\Content\_Item::buildCreateForm(Object(IPS\blog\Blog), Object(IPS\blog\Entry)) #5 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/system/Content/Controller.php(439): IPS\Content\_Item->buildEditForm() #6 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\Content\_Controller->edit() #7 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #8 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/applications/blog/modules/front/blogs/entry.php(60): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute() #9 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\blog\modules\front\blogs\_entry->execute() #10 /home/nginx/domains/anthrodynamics.com/public/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #11 {main}
  7. Confirmed that this now breaks 4.3. Can't edit blogs, among other things.
  8. Found one more area that might need a touch-up in gallery. This is on uploads when choosing where to place the images.
  9. @TAMAN - Awesome update! I've looked through the entire thing, and found only one thing that may need to be looked at. Gallery's light-box: (Otherwise fantastic updates to all your themes!)
  10. I agree. Also the ability to chose which payment gateways are available per-application too. One of my communities is in a weird spot with that at the moment.
  11. Hello @Fosters, we are getting an error 500 with this application. I have attached a list of apps and plugins that our community uses. Edit: it also seems that when uninstalled, the folder itself cannot be deleted from FTP. 550: Can't remove directory: Permission denied.
  12. It is possible using a custom tenplate and CSS !important element on those pages. <style> .swiper-container { display: none!important; } </style> Just include this at the top of the template.
  13. Yeah, we don't have nearly that much yet. Probably around 50GB all said and told at the moment.
  14. Can I ask from where, for future expansions? PM is fine.
  15. Yeah, that'll probably be true. However, I personally don't allow users to upload Videos. And the images are all compressed through Kraken. My costs last month were $1.20.
  16. Yep, definitely helped. Needed the custom Certificate.
  17. From what I remember, you need to use "create new distribution" on CloudFlare. Link that to your S3 bucket using the built in methods (I remember it being fairly easy), I left most other things default. Create the distribution and it gives you a Url (you can cname a subdomain to this, but I can't get this to display as SSL yet), plug that URL into your S3 storage method on your IPS site, and done. I'm mobile and in vacation, all I can offer at the moment.
  18. CloudFront should still help. It caches those images to limit the GET requests.
  19. So all the Amazon CDN does is distribute the images and other files you have on the S3 storage space. Your server still serves all of the necessary php and any other files that are using the File System storage method. So to answer your question, no it doesn't mirror your IPS files, those are still server-side. The only reliance that it's taking away from your server is in actually serving all of the image files to your visitors.
  20. You shouldn't need to input anything about your own domains. All you should be using is a distribution of the bucket you are hosting the images on, then in your file settings, placing the CloudFront URL as an end point in your AWS file settings.
  21. Yes, as Kjell said for all of these. Furthermore, I would ABSOLUTELY recommend using CloudFront (amazon's CDN) for distribution of your S3 files, otherwise your Get requests could be ridiculous, especially if you run a large community. There should be a guide to set that up for your IPS community (I followed it, and it seemed to be more updated...idk though, it was pretty easy to get through without a guide too).
  22. Yeah, but I find the Full Access covers everything (IE: Full read/write access, which is useful if users replace images/reupload images etc).
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