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Everything posted by AlexWright

  1. Is this only in 1.0.2? If so I probably should have mentioned we only have 1.0.1 installed, which could be why I was unable to reproduce.
  2. No, I can't reproduce this. All follows remain as set.
  3. Unfortunately didn't work. I also tried changing the following $count = 0 to $entries = 0, with no luck there either.
  4. We have the option to allow members to Hide and/or Delete their own content. Is there a possible way we could get a setting to allow groups to Move their own content as well, in all and/or certain modules, just as Hide or Delete works?
  5. Hi all! We'd like to add the Grid View of recent "Blog" entries as a placeable Pages block. Was hoping the following would work, but all I'm getting is "No Story Entries Yet" (We've renamed the module Stories, and use it for user-written Literature). Any help would be amazing, thanks! We're on the latest 4.4.10. {expression="\IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles = array_merge(\IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles, \IPS\Output::i()->js('front_browse.js', 'story'))"} <section class='ipsType_normal ipsSpacer_both cBlog_grid' data-controller='blog.front.browse.grid'> {{if \count($entries)}} {{$count = 0;}} {{if $pagination['page'] == 1}} <div class='cBlog_grid_row cBlog_grid_row--primary'> {{foreach $entries as $id => $entry}} {{if $count == 2}} {{break;}} {{endif}} {template="indexGridEntry" app="blog" location="front" group="browse" params="$entry, true"} {{$count++;}} {{endforeach}} </div> {{endif}} {{$count = 1;}} {{$subcount = 0;}} <div class='cBlog_grid_row'> {{foreach $entries as $id => $entry}} {{$subcount++;}} {{if ( $pagination['page'] == 1 and $subcount > 2 ) or ( $pagination['page'] > 1 and $subcount)}} {template="indexGridEntry" app="blog" location="front" group="browse" params="$entry"} {{if $count % 3 == 0}} </div> <div class='cBlog_grid_row'> {{endif}} {{$count++;}} {{endif}} {{endforeach}} </div> {{else}} <div class="ipsBox ipsType_center ipsPad"> <p class="ipsType_large">{lang="no_entries_yet"}</p> </div> {{endif}}
  6. Doesn't provide permissions, unfortunately.
  7. Check the advertisement code. It's likely a missed closed bracket.
  8. Have the templates been edited or changed at all? Only reason this could/would happen. Quick edit: is it also occurring on the default theme?
  9. EA3 to 4 is an upgrade process available through WHM's automation. You'll need to login to WHM and find the upgrade option. It's as easy as: Login to WHM Search "easy". Select EasyApache 4 There should be a "migrate from EasyApache 3" button: Then to upgrade from your current php to php7.1 or above, configure the new php from Easy Apache, disable the old php, and gracefully restart the server.* As far as phpmyadmin: cPanel should have a link to this from the cPanel page. Give this link to IPS, along with the username and password (this is usually found in your config files for the Invision Community install). SSH should also be controllable from cPanel.* (*Please note that I haven't used WHM in a while. I do most of my work through an SSH connection and dont have a control panel installed.) Edit: it is advisable that you turn your community to Offline mode while migrating from EA3 to EA4 and during the php upgrade process. Make sure you have backups first.
  10. Yes, agree, we need this. I've requested it:
  11. It should be listed on the same page as the backups were done. Download them and keep a local copy. Good idea to do this every now and again.
  12. I have a question before purchasing this app. Is it possible to restrict based on birthday? For example, I have an NSFW group that users must be 18 or older to join. Is it possible to run a check via this app against a birthday?
  13. Is there any word on this? Appears to still be an issue.
  14. Hiya! Most of my members like this, but some would like the option to automatically approve followers. Is that possible? Thanks!
  15. So, the Ignore feature is extremely lacking in all of what should probably be essential functionality. Currently, by default, you can only ignore someone's: Forum Posts, Messages, Signatures, and Mentions. While that's great and all, it's an extremely simplistic view of an Ignore/Block function. All major platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc) have a way to Block and/or Ignore a user account. This hides all of that user's comments and contents and/or blocks them from viewing your content and profile. This is a major oversight in functionality that's missing in the IPS software. Not to mention that the Ignore function misses almost all of the other IPS default applications (Pages, Blogs, Gallery, Downloads, Calendar, Statuses, etc). The entire Ignore function feels like it was just slapped on to solve a singular issue (Forums) and never touched again. What an Ignore / Block function should be able to do: Ignore all or some of a user's content. Block a user from contacting you (Blocking messages and mentions). Blocking a user from your profile and content. Most users prefer Ease of Use with this. If you're blocking someone, you (usually) have a good reason to. The current ignore feature on IPS is basically bare-bones and doesn't really do a great job at what it does. It can definitely be better, and hopefully this can start that. --- Evidence has been found that William Tell and his family were avid bowlers. However, all the Swiss league records were unfortunately destroyed in a fire, and we'll never know for whom the Tells bowled.
  16. Yeah, sadly this work around only works on self-hosted licenses, as @Rhett mentioned. Until there's a fix for this ^^;
  17. @TheJackal84 is there any word on this? Users can still see clubs they shouldn't be able to see on the main page.
  18. Hihi again @doc. Looks like another issue's cropped back up. Since we offload images (Profile Pictures) to amazon s3, we're seeing that same default image again (on the user menu):
  19. Hi @Kevin Carwile! The Custom Data for Albums is broken, doesn't display in public or admin mode. It's set as: But doesn't display when editing an album: Unless I'm doing something wrong?
  20. Hello @doc! The credit card field on checkout is unreadable: I think this is to do with ElementsApp, but am uncertain.
  21. Question as well, can something be added that shows up on the toggle to tell the user whether they're anonymous or not? Right now it's a bit confusing to have just the one notification popup that tells them they're browsing, but clicking the icon to come out of browsing anonymously doesn't have a message or notification. Maybe a color change on the icon itself to green or something when a member is browsing anonymously?
  22. It's not on the default theme. We use the standard palettes given with the theme. This is the Account Setting page, on mobile devices.
  23. 1. The groups should have the highest available limit. Seems to be doing lowest available limit. 2. Admin/mod. 3. Sounds good thanks. 4. Yep, profile owners can currently review themselves.
  24. Hi @TheJackal84! We have an issue. Clubs in a category inaccessible to some users still appear on the "All Clubs" main page. They are able to see/read/view/join these as well, despite them being unable to access that category. Is this the intended behavior? Regards, Alex
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