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Posts posted by optrexnz

  1. Thanks Marc. I seem to be struggling to get android to popup. I dont get any links to install an app and I cant find one in my site menu. If I go to account settings notification, push is enabled, the web browser is enabled but I only get notifications when I actually open chrome. I have added a shortcut to the home page, what am I missing?
    The parts are filled in under icons and logos etc in the ACP

    Desktop notifications work ok

  2. 13 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    The setting you are looking for is in System->Settings->Posting, and is called "Automatically Embed Links". If you switch this on, it should solve the problem for you.

    Thanks Marc, that is turned on. What I seem to be getting is parts of the site embedding links and other parts not. I seem to recall from a previous install it was something in the server config that one of the team suggested, however I'm no longer able to look back on old support tickets to check my theory.

  3. Some of my own sites internal posts and pages are not rich embedding into other posts. Is this permissions based? 
    Does the internal page being embedded have to be visible to guests?

    I vaguely seem to recall changing something from localhost to or the domain name would change this behaviour but I cant recall what or where?

  4. My image feed block is showing images from an open club gallery. You would expect that under the following criteria
    Could contain: Text

    However the clubs module is not available to guests or registered members, yet the images still display in the block.
    If you click on the image to see it in the club gallery, a no permission error is given

  5. I've got an issue with cover photos not displaying, after upload the area is showing as grey.
    I notice from an inspection the following value 

    .ipsCoverPhoto_photo {
      opacity: 0.0001;

    If I open the image in another tab I can see it normally
    There are no options to reposition the image only remove or upload

    If I open the block editor, the image shows up, if I upload one, I can see the repositioning, and it saves. If I close the block editor the cover image shows but without any repositioning 
    If I refresh the page the image disappears again.

    I've run support, cleared caches, rebuilt a theme from scratch, and disabled all my plugins.

    I'm currently displaying them by adding the following in the css, but again there is no way to reposition the image.

    .ipsCoverPhoto_photo {
      opacity: 1 !important;


  6. On 10/30/2020 at 5:10 PM, optrexnz said:

    I'm seeing a bug where a classified advert, when reviewed doesn't disappear off the new content search when read.

    Ok so someone makes a review on a classified advert.
    That advert review appears on the new content search.
    You read the review/advert, but despite being read, it still appears on the new content search as unread

  7. 5 hours ago, bosss said:

    Just tested and for me works not - no topics, no PM and no email.

    Maybe it depends on what php version you are using?  v7.4.11 Doing a dream here. I commented out the 2 lines it replaced and just pasted in the new entries. I have my topic set to post 1 hour after joining.

    13 hours ago, DawPi said:

    What you mean?

    In my welcome topic, I say

    Hello Dawpi, welcome to the site.

    I want it to say

    Hello @DawPi, welcome to the site

  8. 19 hours ago, DawPi said:

    Open: applications/autowelcome/sources/Alerts/Alerts.php

    Superstar as usual @DawPi

    I can confirm the edit works and new members are now welcomes again on 4.5.4

    Now does anyone know how I can get an active @ tag in a post please as that would make me extremely happy?

  9. On 10/12/2020 at 9:54 AM, optrexnz said:

    How do I get this to work so that uploads are only available for 1 week and voting is only available for 1 week the week after that?

    So in week 1 no-one can vote and in week 2 no-one can upload?

    Also on that basis, when it comes to vote time, there is no new content to bring the topic of the current competition back into the feeds, so could we have

    member xxx voted in the yyyyy competition in the new content (I know its probably more suited to the activity feed, but I need something in new content)

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