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Posts posted by optrexnz

  1. I have the group legend turned off but see lots of mal-formed span tags

    <div id='hookonline_users' class='stats_list'>
                <h2>24 online member(s) <span>(in the past 24 hours)</span></h2>
                        <span class='name'><span style='white-space:nowrap;'<a href='http://www.*****.net/forum/user/****/' title='08:35 AM'><span style='color:darkgreen'>****</span></a></span>, </span> 

    <span style='white-space:nowrap;'

    is the offender

  2. This hook will show a sidebar block with last 5 issues on IP.Tracker's watched projects. If the user didn't watch any project, nothing is showed.

    Hi Adriano,

    I have this hook installed with a modification to allow it to show last 5 issues (without being restricted to watched projects). Is it possible to make it so that the last 5 topics are shown based on permission values to a given project?

    I want to do this so that guests cannot see the members only projects and so that members cannot see the development projects.


  3. thanks for the links but the "feed" is - please take no offense - just 'ugly' and does't even resemble a forum but rather a "rss reader" i wish for a more integrated user experience one that they are familiar with in regards graphical interface they face with when they read the forums in a hierarchal method, form the TOP DOWN - Category - Forum - Subforum - Topic - Reply....

    no worries about that. It's taken me 6 months to get to this stage after moving from another forum software so I know exactly where you are coming from. The feed view is generated from a basic template.

    <div class='general_box'>
    	<ul class='hfeed'>
    		<if test="is_array( $records ) && count( $records )">
    		{parse striping="feed_striping" classes="row1,row2 altrow"}
    		<foreach loop="$records as $r">
    		<li class='hentry {parse striping="feed_striping"}'><a href='{$r['url']}' rel='bookmark' title='{$r['title']}'>{$r['title']}</a>
    			<br /><span class='date'><abbr class="published" title="{parse expression="date( 'c', $r['date'] )"}">{parse date="$r['date']" format="short"}</abbr></span>
    			<span class='desctext'>{IPSText::truncate( strip_tags($r['content']), 200 )}</span>
    <br />

    Its basically a case of editing here to get it to view how you want it too, granted thats the hard part, but I am sure that there would be plenty of help and you would get to understand the engine more. Due to version 3 not being that old there is no dummies guide yet, but as you can see more and more people are having a go as the weeks go by.

    The page http://www.nzweather.net/links.html?category=7 is created in IP.Content too as as you can see at the bottom there are filters and sorting options, so its definately a possible ;)

  4. I don't want a block of this info but actually i want a page that pulls the details, of Recent activity, New Content.

    But be able to step back thru dates.

    This is a mod i have on my site (other forum software ) and can't for the life figure out were to begin on how to adapt it on IPB



    Stephen, there are feeds built into IP Content. Create the page and just change the template to display how you want it too.


    http://www.nzweather.net/stephentopics.html topics test
    http://www.nzweather.net/stephenposts.html posts test

    failing that do what I suggested in your other post and have links to the active topics searches at the bottom of the main index page

  5. This is a feature of VB, and it doesn't seem to have any problems with it. I know I could unapprove posts or use the trash can, but that isn't what I want or was referring to or else I wouldn't of mentioned this..

    When a member deletes/edits a thread/post I want a copy of the original post content stored, in other words when a member or staff deletes a post it's a soft delete. The edit history/revisions and soft delete of posts and threads allowed deleted or edited post content to be reviewed. Then the administrator or other staff can decide to restore the original post content or hard delete it permanently.

    I know exactly where you are coming from. Similar concept and replies to a thread I created
  6. This is a good idea as I have a "if you have a problem with a moderators decision complain to me, not to them" policy.
    If it was addressed from a generic address, then it would not give the members a headsup on who it was who reprimanded them :)

  7. Again I want add to my personal list:

    13) A setting on ACP -> 1. Member Groups > 2. Manage User Group > Users can Edit own posts only in the next XX minutes/days

    (this can be usefull to prevent future act of vandalism)

    this is already included surely ???
  8. 1. Tools & Settings >
    2. System Settings >
    3. System >
    4. Security and Privacy

    New registration email validation?
    Make an administrator manually preview all new accounts or make new users validate their email address. If "User then Admin" validation is selected, the user receives a validation email. On successful user validation, the user is entered into the administration approval queue.

    Change the setting to the one you want

  9. I've been reading through a few of the threads here and having heard some of the problems you guys have been having, is it worth our while to upgrade or wait for the bugs to be worked out? We're currently running Board 2.3.6 and the last thing I want to do is try and introduce a new look board and have it go belly up on me.

    I've been running 3.0.x now in a live environment since September and there are certainly no show stopping bugs or problems. I would have thought you guys on 2.3.6 would have been itching to get the new system online (you really are missing out) :P
  10. I know what you mean. Coming from vb I found it nasty until I got used to it. Someone also mentioned the search from a parent category not working either (you have to select each forum in advanced tab)

    Try this though, for some different results.

    "fluorescent light current draw" with the quotes
    instead of just
    fluorescent light current draw

  11. I'd like to suggest that when you click 'view new content' and get the message "Sorry, no new content found" there is a link which says... "To view posts that have been made over the last 24 hours click here."

    Sometimes when checking view new content, and then I have to dash off somewhere else, I'm finding that the new content then disappears making the site look barren and then have to search for the post that was previously there.

    Yep, thats exactly why I asked for this http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/292878-view-new-content-serach
    I see a request for it comes up at least once a week
  12. give me 5 mins, I am just going to write up a couple of articles that may help or at least provide an alternative option

    ok, try this - it simply moves the search box down instead of moving the links down.


  13. So we have 2 options:

    -since last visit

    -all unread

    The default here is "since last visit". Is there a way for an admin to default the setting for the entire board to "all unread" ? Thus allowing users to change back to "since last visit" if THEY want to?

    I find that several of my users have the forum as a tab opening each time they launch their browser. But they may not read the forum each time, so they miss content. Having to tell each of them to change the setting is a pain, so I would prefer to be able to reverse what is currently on offer.

  14. I can give you several reasons:

    1. Many site users have fixed width sites and they would like ALL content to fit within the dimensions of the site.

    2. Regardless of how big a users monitor is, users will always come up with images SO LARGE that they won't fit in any monitor

    3. Regardless on your opinion on the issue, vbulletin provides this functionality so unless you want to hear about it regularly from here until the end of time, you'll need to address the issue.

    And as I stated before, my #1 biggest complaint from my users after migrating from Vbulletin is the lack of options in photo attachment handling. And this is just one site in hundreds or thousands of sites that could end up moving to IPB. Why would you not add the settings many of your customers need? Seems pretty simple to me.

    very valid points and put in the way that the "monkey" has, I have to agree

  15. When it's deleted, add it to the log in View Topic History.

    view topic history doesn't tell you where the topic came from only when it was deleted, which leaves the mod logs to cross reference.
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