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Adriano Faria

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Posts posted by Adriano Faria

  1. 19 minutes ago, Shawn Tierney said:

    UPDATE: Posting a new post as a linked account seems to work great, so only issue is changing existing posts.

    It is working as it should. According to its description:


    The POST AS feature allows the user with linked accounts to create/reply to a topic using a Linked Account.

    This app never had an option to change a post author.

    I can take this as a suggestion for a future version.

  2. 2 hours ago, pilotguy said:

    Loving this system and it's working quite well.  One thing I've discovered and I'm wondering if you can shed some light on this.  I'm using the Brave theme from @ehren. at ipsfocus.com.  It's a great theme!  I also use his Dimension Theme.  Dimension is a lighter coloured theme while Brave is dark.  On brave, when selecting send invitation it takes you to the appropriate place but nothing shows up in the way of text fields for user name and email.  No submit button can be seen.  Here's a screen shot of what I mean.

    It's really a theme issue, otherwise it wouldn't work in any other and it does. See same issue with another ehren's theme:

    There is no secret here. It will search for a CSS Selector. If it's there, it works.

    2 hours ago, pilotguy said:

    Just one more thing I've noticed in addition to this.  When using small devices such as iphones, the invite option isn't available anywhere in the menus.

    True. I'll add for the next version.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Loren said:

    Here is the error I am now getting when choosing a category or individual tutorial:

    Go to any of your categories on ACP and "copy" the sorting order to all other categories:



  4. 9 hours ago, surinp3 said:

    Would it be possible to ignore topics in Collabs in future update?

    Sorry, I have no intention to make it compatible with other 3rd-party resources.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Lycanth said:

    It's hard to post a screen because it doesn't show up on it at all. On my original skin it shows but as soon as I switch over to the new skin it's not there at all. Perhaps you can take a look or tell me which code you need to see?

    I need to know what are you talking about. This?


  6. 3 minutes ago, Elena-Viorica said:

    Does this work with this plugin?

    Probably not, since my plugin works on Activity Streams and search results. Plugin, like that you linked me to, lists data directly from their classes.

  7. About This File

    So, are you tired of those useless topics that tells you nothing and has dozens of posts in one day ?

    This plugin will allow users (from selected groups) to ignore topics (on selected forums). Ignored topics won't appear in Activity Streams or search results.

    Members can manage their ignored topics on Accounts Settings.


    • Groups allowed to use the feature
    • Forums where topics can be ignored
    • Hide IGNORED topics from Activity Streams
    • Hide IGNORED topics from Search Results
    • Display IGNORED badge on forum view
    • Display IGNORED badge on topic view
    • Topics to be ignored by new members



  8. 4 hours ago, Stefan Johansson_72643 said:

    I am just about to implement tutorials on my site and gave moderators all permissions to view/add/comment etc in Tutorials.

    But when I test this (using a moderator account) I get an error that the account has no permissions.

    Still I gave moderators all permissions under "Tutorials -> Categories"

    Any idea why this happens? I can give you admin access if you need to check.

    Skärmavbild 2016-04-16 kl. 07.26.10.png

    Yes, you can but all of this is controlled by the core, not by the app itself.

    3 hours ago, necik said:

    Today I update my community from 3.X to 4.1.10. Also I want update Tutorials, so I download Tutorials 2.1.0 RC 4. When I click "upload a new version" in ACP, then I see "We could not find the application you were attempting to update.".

    How to update Tutorials from 3.X to 4.X?

    That's the only known way to update a 3.4 app to IPS4. If you're finding any error, I suggest you to submit a ticket to IPS. I and everybody else made it like that on their live board to update it.

  9. 2 minutes ago, PrettyPixels said:


    I am considering purchase, but really need this feature as well.

    If the article comments are stored in the database (for all other articles in that database) then it makes sense to transfer the comments over to the article comments, instead of storing them in a thread. Then, the original thread should be deleted to avoid the duplicate content penalty.

    I will work on this probably on weekend. I will review all replies and the most wanted will be applied and will be on a new version of the plugin.

  10. Just now, alexxis said:

    Actually, this could be set up as a feature > would be great, if we can manage this setting in the ACP: like "Allow guests to  see the flags?"

    I'll take a look during this week.

  11. Please, download again and use the option to UPGRADE TO A NEW VERSION. I'm not sure if it will fix it since the versions are the same. You probably will need to uninstall it and reinstall it.

    I forgot to add the new column on INSTALL version. I only did to 2.0.8.

  12. 1 hour ago, Joey_M said:

    Embed a contact form directly to a page (IP.Pages/Content) using a certain department.

    Sorry, I don't see this as a big/valid addition to the app itself. Pages even isn't largely used.

    I can do a plugin as a custom job, if you're interested... but I won't add this to the app.

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