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Adriano Faria

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Posts posted by Adriano Faria

  1. On 21/03/2016 at 5:23 AM, EarthDog said:

    Can i use this plugin having all my users already created?

    I mean i need to BULK update the followed forums for all my existing users


    On 17/02/2016 at 3:40 PM, naurel said:

    For example I want my group : group1 to follow content1 and my group2 to follow my content2 and when ever I change someone from group1 to group2 it will add content2 to the followed content


  2. About This File

    This plugin will give admins the ability to add or remove followers from forums/categories across the suite. Tested on:

    • Forums
    • Calendars
    • Downloads categories
    • Gallery albums
    • A few 3rd party apps, like Tutorials, Videos System, etc.


    • General rule: it has to work with any app that uses Categories.
    • Not compatible with Pages. It will be in a further version.



  3. 16 minutes ago, klierik said:

    Now disable work fine. Thanks. 

    But redirect don't work. And "Copy" feature too... Video: http://take.ms/4FcnX

    How can i help you the define why this happened?

    I guess you are kinda confused on how COPY SETTINGS works. Your video shows clearly you copying the Enable New Topic Rules setting for other category. All it does it copy THAT setting to the selected categories, not the ENTIRE form.

    To make sure, I have made a quick test on DOWNLOADS and FORUMS and made a quick video on FORUMS. Same behaviour: http://www.screencast.com/t/52JYbKgULTB

    Btw, the COPY SETTING feature does not appear to Editor fields.

  4. 2 hours ago, Safety1st said:

    @Adriano Faria I just installed v2.0.2 as a new plugin. The main problem (visibility under activity) is gone. But plugin shows 'Password' menu in any forum topic created be me. Although I'm not able to set password in any forum except listed in 'Use Password in' option. Is it desired behavior? I believe the more sense to hide 'Password' menu where function cannot be used.

    File reuploaded. Update your install.

    Since no one else downloaded this latest release, version kept.

  5. 8 minutes ago, klierik said:

    Also i try copy settings to other branch and get

    like infinity loading... never finish

    Not sure... works fine for me too: http://www.screencast.com/t/Gayet727

    Maybe because of the error you posted before... as it ajaxed, the output wasn't throwing the error.

    I will update the file here on IPS. Give it a try.

    What's New in Version 4.0.1:

    • Fixed error when disabling the rules in a forum
  6. 47 minutes ago, klierik said:

    Thank you ^_^

    Also i defined that front-end notification don't support HTML-format, for example text bold (test is in Russian lang, but don't care).

    Text format in AdminCP:
    Изменение раздела: Проблемы верстки 2016-05-02 15-25-46.png

    So as you can see i make some word bold and that what get on front-end:

    Правила Новой Темы - htmlforum для разработчиков 2016-05-02 15-25-24.png

    Not sure I follow this. Are you saying that the format you used on ACP isn't showing on front end ? If so, works for me:



  7. IPS\Db\Exception: Unknown column 'topicrules_texto' in 'field list' (1054)

    This happened on my dev install and thought I uploaded the fix. Sorry. Give one hour max and I'll upload the fix.

    Disable the plugin in the meantime.

  8. Just now, Loren said:

    Hmm... I thought Michael's original build (of Tutorials) was based on Forums since it acted just they did. But perhaps I am wrong.

    Any chance this core change will happen?

    For IP.Board 3, yes. I'll take a look if any other dev managed to make it on their apps.

    Regarding CORE change, by CORE I mean IPS change the framework to make it appear. Not me.

  9. There are 2 different things here.

    1 - INDEX: my app is like any other built on IPS framework: it lists only the first level on index:


    The forum in yellow has subforums and doesn't appear on index, just like Tutorials.

    2- Category view: the only different app from IPS is really FORUMS. All others (Pages, Downloads, etc) lists data exacly like your second screenshot and this is an old request, since 4.0.0 Beta 1. Tutorials is based on Downloads and Pages model. Same happens on those apps. There are several requests but as an example, I'll show you this: https://invisionpower.com/files/category/158-previous-versions/

    It is required a change in the core to make it happen.


  10. Just now, Loren said:

    Now that IPS 4 supports nested categories for forums it would be great to have the same capability for Tutorials.

    Can you clarify ? I understand 'nested categories' as a category inside a category that's inside another that's inside another, etc.

    If you're talking about this, it is supported since 2.0.0.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Safety1st said:

    That behaviour was from the moment I bought the plugin:

    Yes, I already understood that there's a issue there. You bought the plugin on 02/27. It was releaed on Sep/2015! See, something has changed! It wasn't released with that issue.

  12. Just now, Safety1st said:

    The best behaviour I believe would be show normal content for users with cookie and show lock icon with words 'content protected by password' for the rest ^_^

    That is exaclty what always happened, as you can see on screenshots. I'll take a look to see what has changed and fix it.

  13. 35 minutes ago, Netherlord said:

    does this hide threads to the user that are ignored from the topic list?

    No. It removes, as stated, from ACTIVITY STREAMS and SEARCH RESULTS.

  14. What's New in Version 1.1.1:

    • Fixed the group select on Department form: it was showing the first group always selected.
    • Fixed an issue that was sending emails to non authorized people under a special circumstance.
    On 09/03/2016 at 7:38 PM, Joey_M said:

    One of the e-mails is my fathers address, he's registered as a 'member' and the 'admin' group keeps being selected - yet he still received it without no permissions set for that group. Possible bug?

    @Joey_M, as you didn't post a feedback about this, not sure if the fix is related to your problem or if it was really a group/email selection. Try this version.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Janyour said:

    thanks, for new members they will not have flags until i renew my IPS licence ?

    Automatically, no. If they go to Account Settings and pick their country, yes.

    3 minutes ago, Janyour said:

    What about members already have a country/flag ?

    Flags keep showing up.

    3 minutes ago, Janyour said:

    Thats not a great idea to link geolocation with ips services ..

    That's an IPS decision, not mine. ^_^

  16. 20 minutes ago, Janyour said:

    thanks for the update @Adriano Faria

    that mean that location will not work with an expired licence ?

    The feature on Account Settings will. What will not work is the auto picking country by the user IP, since IPS GeoLocation is tied to an active license.

  17. What's New in Version 1.0.3:


    • Error when the licence is expired. As GeoLocation is an active licence feature, an error was happening everytime someone tried to log in on your ACP.
    • Tab on Account Settings: it wasn't remaining selected after submit the form.

    New Feature:

    • Guests now are able to view Member's Country.


  18. 11 minutes ago, mgo said:

    What can we do, to fix it

    Can't reproduce this. The main goal of this app is send emails. I guess if this was really an issue someone else would already scream on this topic. :smile:

    Run the support tool on ACP to rebuild cache. If it doean't work, send a PM with your board credentials. I'll take a look tomorrow in the morning.

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