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Posts posted by Sheffielder

  1. I really need a Shadowban option

    One where you can click on a member, click 'shadowban' and it turns on the ignore function for that member from the whole forum membership, or makes their posts only visible to them.

    How can I make this happen?

    ps - I already understand all arguments for/against something like this - but I really want to go ahead with this whether it be through a site update or a plugin as it would really help my site (and it puts off anyone constantly re-registering for the site if you just banned them using the typical usual ban tools)

    Anyone help?

  2. 1 minute ago, Matt said:

    We all view the world through our own filters and biases. Some communities are frustrated that we are not moving PWA forwards because their 90% Android user base could benefit.

    Some people hate downloading apps and use the PWA option where available.

    It's natural to see the world through your own eyes and assume we all think alike and all have the same experiences.

    The reality is that we have tens of thousands of customers who have billions of combined members, so we get a good overview of all needs and wants.

    I'm not against doing more with PWA in a future version, it's just that we do not think that Apple will invest much time in their PWA system anytime soon, so for a fully mobile experience the only logical choice is a native app so that is where we have put our development resources.

    But of course, everything is reduced to a binary argument. You either do or do not. You are either on one team or the other. The nuances are lost.


    I totally get that different communities have different needs

    In all honesty I don't understand what PWA is, what the technicalities of it are.

    I just know that if the app store had a shiny icon in it for my forum, that my readers would most definitely download and use it on one my forums (the football forum I run).

    The other forum I have that is based on my city's history would also get used as an app but maybe not as much 

    I guess when I say that I think an app would benefit my community what I'm really saying is that I'd love my forum to be on the app stores, have an app downloadable, where you click into it and the same features and usability of my current forum is there for users. 

    I see all sides of this argument for sure.

    I'd get an 'app' developed for my forums so it could sit in the app stores if I knew how.

  3. Just thought I'd nip in and have a read of this thread to see what people thought about apps and Invision.

    I have to say I'm really shocked at people dismissing the 'app' side of invision so quickly.

    It seems strange to me.

    For example - would more people use my forum if it was an app on the app stores?

    Without a doubt YES - massively. It would make such a massive difference to how many people used my forums. More people would find my forums, more people would visit. More people would revisit definitely because having an app on their device is the way people go about things these days.

    I think dismissing the app side of internet life isn't just foolhardy, it's really strange to me.

  4. HI,
    I'm thinking of buying this plug in but am a total novice when it comes to programming/coding.

    Here is what I need to achieve - is this possible with this plug in?

    1 - To have adverts after/in the 8th post in a topic

    2 - Adding an adhesion unit to both mobile and desktop

    3 - Moving the standard Invisionboard bottom advert up to appear between the last post on a page and the navigation


  5. Hi everyone,

    Hoping someone can help  me  with this one as I've not got a clue!

    I've been asked by my advertisement people to make the following changes to where adverts appear on my site:


    1 - What we would like to recommend is adding an additional unit to appear after the eighth post on a thread
    2 - Adding an adhesion unit to both mobile and desktop
    3 - We would also like to recommend that the bottom unit is moved up to appear between the last post on a page and the navigation to go to the next page. 

    I did a mock up of this below 👇

    1 - How it currently looks with the advert underneath the navigation


    2 - Where I need it to be - between last post/topic and navigation




    Is there a really easy way to do this? e.g. a plug in or dummies guide?



    OK so I've disabled Cloudflare, disabled advertisements and I"m still getting an unusable board

    It's intermittent but very regular which is extremely annoying

    What happens is I use the site, click links, post posts, upload images and probably 30% of the time the site is just hanging on me as I wait for links to load or photos to upload. 

    I'm talking like 10 to 20 seconds

    How can I find out what's causing this issue easily? Is there a website or plug in or something I can load, then use the site and click around the site tracing my steps and showing what's causing the pages not to load?

    ps It's not just me. I'm getting complaints from my site users that my site  (and only my site) is too slow/unusable.

    I've tried clearing cache/cookies and using different browsers - still the same

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