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Everything posted by marklcfc

  1. Ok just done a test, I turned on Development mode in Cloudflare and it looks like this When turning off development mode, it looks like this So does this mean something in Cloudflare is doing it?
  2. Same as previously, still Dynamic (don't know whether thats good or bad, but better than Bypass which I have). cache-control is the same as mine though but I'm clueless, all I know is mine shouldn't be Bypass 😐
  3. @Day_ at dcfcfans has got it set up like mine as he helped me, so surely something outside of cloudflare is making his dynamic and mine bypass.
  4. You've lost me, why would they use Cloudflare but not want it cached by Cloudflare? @Day_ do you have any idea whats going on as I'm lost, I can't even see a setting for that. This site also have the same Dynamic setting https://www.hmfckickback.co.uk/ whilst using Cloudflare. So for some reason, mine is set to Bypass, whilst other sites show as Dynamic, but from what you're saying neither are doing anything.
  5. How? I've been told I can do this a few times but still haven't figured it out. Also, I know these are on the same host as me, do they also have the same issue or not? https://dcfcfans.uk/ Difference in that it says Dynamic for cache status but on the cache control its the same as mine.
  6. Hosts are asking what page rules I have set up but I don't have any, only cache rules
  7. No, ok I see it now. But still none the wiser why its bypassing it, I can ask my host but they offered no support setting up Cloudflare when I initially asked
  8. I can only see what you're seeing if I tick the disable cache button on inspect, in which case isn't it just going to bypass it anyway
  9. I don't even know where to look, I've gone on inspect and tried to see what you're seeing but I'm not seeing the same. Shouldn't be this difficult to set up surely.
  10. I see. So do changes need to be made to both cache-control and cf-cache-status? If so, what should they look like? Just so I know what I'm asking my hosts I do have opcache and redis active as well don't know if that effects it.
  11. It's set up as you suggested I'm sure. I've got nothing in htaccess cache wise. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^ads.txt$ ads_txt.php [L] </IfModule> <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> Options -MultiViews RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule \.(js|css|jpeg|jpg|gif|png|ico|map|webp)(\?|$) /404error.php [L,NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] </IfModule> My cache rules
  12. Oh so just the pages I made in the Pages app? (the history section on my site) They are customs php files which I pull into the site through includes which look like this in the content {insert="stats/age_records.php"} It's not massively important as they are not viewed that often, but what would stop them caching? I'm guessing because they are custom written and not part of the default software.
  13. @The Old Man suggested it wasn't on his tests
  14. Thanks for that @The Old Man When my site was sluggish the other day, it was during a busy few hours. I wasn't sure whether the increase of visitors was slowing things down (it didn't previous to Cloudflare). It's been loading fast again since then though. Why would Cloudflare not be caching pages? I believe I have it all set up to cache, I have the settings that @Jim M posted the other week set up exactly like that. Also in my Cloudflare it suggests it is caching a fair bit. For the cookie consent, if you mean the privacy policy pop up on first viewing the site that is provided by the ad company and I see that identical one on quite a few other sites as well. I have noticed that I have my ad code in globaltemplate below the analytics code, maybe that could be swapped but I always thought the ad code should display just before the end of the </head>
  15. Is this compatible with ads or likely to see a negative effect?
  16. Are you talking about these? I have to edit them and turn proxied to off?
  17. I don't know, something weird is going on. I unplugged my ethernet cable and back in and my site is fast again, this happened yesterday I did the same thing and everything sped up. It remained slow on my phone, so I turned wifi off and then back on on iPhone settings, now it has has sped up on my phone. I'm sure this time tomorrow it will be sluggish again, pretty sure this only started to happen since I changed to Cloudflare. If its happening to me on multiple devices it must be the same for everyone else
  18. It just feels sluggish. Where abouts is this setting? In DNS I only see the orange cloud for the proxied A DNS entries.
  19. Pretty sure my site is slower since changing to Cloudflare.
  20. Fair enough, hopefully it works out better without it then as I've set up Cloudflare but once again no real idea how I am supposed to set it up but have gone by what's been posted in here
  21. I've always received a email when a report has been sent in but these have stopped in the past few weeks, I'm now not getting any. I am still getting moderator queue emails and new topics (for followed topics) I also noticed when testing the reports, that the person who sends the report sees this The delete your report button does nothing, the notification that it has been sent in remains and I have to action it myself. However, the point is that I'm no longer getting an email when that report is sent in. Please see my system logs for 8:51am and 8:52am as there is an error log for the report as well for when I tested sending in a report
  22. I've had it at 30 seconds for the past 5 years, I suppose I didn't completely understood how it worked. My impression was that guests cached page would update every 30 seconds, if I had it for 5 minutes then it would only update every 5 minutes and they wouldn't see the latest posts.
  23. Anything worth turning on in Speed > Optimization
  24. Also does this look right, notice a fair few cache misses
  25. It's been a few hours since I changed nameservers, just looking on SSL/TLS it seems there is still some not secure connections, what would cause that? I haven't changed any of those https settings inside cloudflare yet as was suggested not to.
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