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[[Template core/front/global/mobileFooterBar is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date.

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I'm having issues with the v5 beta 10 upgrader. I am being told to run:

ALTER TABLE `core_reputation_index` ENGINE=InnoDB, ADD KEY `item_lookup` (`rep_class`,`item_id`,`reaction`);

But I get:


MySQL said: Documentation

#1061 - Duplicate key name 'item_lookup'


When restoring your database did you restore it over your version 5 database or dump the database and perform a restore? If the former, I would try the doing the latter as this states that the table already exists in the current state so the database can't create it.

Posted (edited)

I did everything fresh, so I dumped and restored a new backup from my live site. I had v4.19 running fine, so I proceeded to download a fresh set of beta 10 files from the client area. I then uploaded, and tried to install the update.

To clarify, you are telling me to dump "ALTER TABLE core_reputation_index DROP KEY item_lookup;"?

I don't want to interrupt what you mean incorrectly.

Edited by Joey_M

Did you delete your previous database used for version 5 before restoring your version 4 database? You don’t want to restore over that as there would still be remnants of version 5 left. You want to delete the old version 5 database or create a new database to restore to. 


Initially, I dropped everything in my old database. I have since deleted my development site's database, created a new one, and uploaded the working database of my version 4.7 site. However, I am still getting the same message despite this being a new database.

ALTER TABLE `core_reputation_index` ENGINE=InnoDB, ADD KEY `item_lookup` (`rep_class`,`item_id`,`reaction`);

The new database has nothing to do with my previous version 5 database. As I said, it's a fresh backup of my live version 4.7.19 site.



Is the new database you created _test? (left out the prefix for your privacy). If so, please check what database you restored to as it is empty. You will also want to check your conf_global.php file as the current one is connecting to your other database as well.


Sorry, you caught me in the process of clearing and re-starting again. I can get past the previous part I said I couldn't in the v5 upgrader, but then I hit a 500-page error.


No, I am getting the same message again.

ALTER TABLE `core_reputation_index` ENGINE=InnoDB, ADD KEY `item_lookup` (`rep_class`,`item_id`,`reaction`);

The database is new.
The imported database is from my live site, which is unconnected to any v5 updates. 😞

I switched back to PHP 8.1, as I forgot that it had been changed.


I have located the v5 beta 9.1 files, I'm going to try upload those and see if I can get past this issue. 🙂

I didn't come across it previously, the upgrade process was flawless. So, hopefully this can shed some light on why I can't get past the core_reputation_index.


Next Up: "Table 'prideofn_test.core_content_promote' doesn't exist".

I had followed @Gary's advice, but I have since imported the missing part. So, it's in my datbase. No idea why I am getting this error in the upgrader now.



Sorry, I remembered only after my last post. I need to disable the plugins, and apps. I'll report back in awhile when I have re-backed up and re-imported everything. I bet this is causing the upgrade issues. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I've done something that has effected the live site.😢

Things seemed okay, but even though I changed the dev sites conf_global to point to the right direction. I've caused issues on the main site.

PS. Once upon a time we were promised one upgrade, I never used it. I don't suppose that still exists? 😂 That's a j/k. 

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Joey_M said:

Things seemed okay, but even though I changed the dev sites conf_global to point to the right direction. I've caused issues on the main site.

What issues have you caused to your main site, if I may ask? Have you used a different/separate database for the dev forum? 

Edited by Miss_B
2 minutes ago, Miss_B said:

What issues have you cased to your main site, if I may ask? Have you used a different/separate database for the dev forum? 

Hello, Miss_B.

Yes, both versions have their own database. I made sure to change the dev's to point to its database, but for some reason it seems to have caused an issue with the live site. I am seeing similar errors, such as the theme suggesting it's out of date and to run the support tool. Logging into the ACP, it's all just text. I must have missed something, though I had done this process twice before trying to get the dev site to work with the beta of v5 (10) without hiccups to the live site.

It's like the applications/plugins aren't enabled and that they are throwing errors. I could get a server log, but most pages are throwing errors now.

The ACP throws this error, I have removed any reference to my site or install location. I'm very paranoid about being hacked again. 😞

OutOfRangeException:  (0)
#0 /home/example/domains/example.com/public_html/applications/nexus/Application.php(226): IPS\Application\_Module::get()
#1 /home/example/domains/example.com/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Admin.php(352): IPS\nexus\_Application->acpMenu()
#2 /home/example/domains/example.com/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Admin.php(68): IPS\Dispatcher\_Admin->buildMenu()
#3 /home/example/domains/example.com/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(110): IPS\Dispatcher\_Admin->init()
#4 /home/example/domains/example.com/public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher::i()
#5 {main}


  • Management

Joey, what on Earth are you doing?

Uograding to a beta isn’t supported, so just roll back to the back up you took before you started.

We can help but we’re not at work until tomorrow. 


Actually, didn't upgrade my live site but the dev. Yet, it has gone all pear shaped. 😱 The live site is a complication of me screwing up somewhere along the way.

3 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

Are you probably using Redis?
Maybe your SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY is the same on both instances, I've seen this happening few times when people use the same downloaded file package.

Yes, I do use Redis. I bet this is it.

It might explain why both sites have also got licence issues now. 😕

4 minutes ago, Matt said:

Fix your live site and I can look at your dev site tomorrow. 

I know, I am not in any rush. I'm going to try to get the live site backup. I just don't want to make it more of a minefield, but I have all the data I need.

19 hours ago, Joey_M said:

Yes, I do use Redis. I bet this is it.

It might explain why both sites have also got licence issues now. 😕

To fix this without disabling REDIS, just add following to the constants.php file of your dev instance and then clear the system caches via the ACP => System => Support site

const SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY = 'FooDanielFe243dasdsadsai32';



I have reported this as bug, so that we improve this for a future version.

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