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Patch for 4.7.16

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I just noticed a notice on my Board for a Patch. It says to go to System-Support and apply the Patch from top left box. Ive gone to AdminCP -System-Support and can’t for the life of me find said Patch box. Assistance please. 

Edited by Allen Bradford
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4 hours ago, Jim M said:

Please see below:

Could contain: Page, Text, Nature, Night, Outdoors



Thank you for sharing this screenshot.

I cleared the system cache, but anyways it says the Patch is available, but there is no Fix it button.


Thank you

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Posted (edited)

To muddy the waters…Marc.

As previously Posted I ran the Patch fix and not long after that the orange warning message to run the fix reappeared. But there was no fix in the Support area. You responded to go to /admin/upgrade and finish running it there. I was just heading over to AdminCP to do that but noticed that the orange warning for the Patch has now disapeared from my home page and from the AdminCP-System-Support area so did not run the Upgrader.

Does that mean I am all set? 

Edited by Allen Bradford
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