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Urgent help required: 'reply box' gone after forum upgrade


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3 hours ago, Square Wheels said:

I am not sure who others are using, I am using Hostek.

No im not using them...


5 hours ago, Square Wheels said:

This happened to me too last night. 

I went to the ACP, cleared the cache, and it was fixed.

Now it did it again.

Same thing, go to ACP, clear cache it works again.

Yes same. Mixed in with some 404 errors today. We havent yet implemented the theme change was hoping to get it done today/last night but ran out of time. Hopefully that could fix some/all of the issues

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19 hours ago, Fubra said:

ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function IPS\Theme\Cache\class_forums_front_topics::postContainer(), 2 passed in /home/housepri/public_html/forum/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php on line 61 and at least 3 expected in /home/housepri/public_html/forum/templatescache/template_3_7a734b11232065691bc1176040cb26ad_topics.php:1987
Stack trace:
#0 /home/housepri/public_html/forum/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(61): IPS\Theme\Cache\class_forums_front_topics->postContainer(Object(IPS\forums\Topic), Object(IPS\forums\Topic\Post))
#1 /home/housepri/public_html/forum/system/Content/Comment.php(837): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call('postContainer', Array)
#2 /home/housepri/public_html/forum/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php(485): IPS\Content\_Comment->html()
#3 /home/housepri/public_html/forum/system/Content/Item.php(4865): IPS\forums\Topic\_Post->html()
#4 /home/housepri/public_html/forum/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(141): IPS\Content\_Item->commentForm()
#5 /home/housepri/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic->manage()
#6 /home/housepri/public_html/forum/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#7 /home/housepri/public_html/forum/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(39): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute()
#8 /home/housepri/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic->execute()
#9 /home/housepri/public_html/forum/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#10 {main}

Are you getting the same exact error mentioned above, @Square Wheels?

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4 hours ago, Jim M said:

Are you using Template Cache in ACP -> System -> Advanced Configuration? If so, try disabling that to see if there is a writing issue with your cache.

Hey Jim, thanks so much for your reply. Was this aimed at me too...? I am caching using this in support:

Could contain: Page, Text

Right or wrong...or theres a better way? Thanks

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4 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

That is correct. Has this resolved the problem for you?

Yes it does...but only momentarily. It can work again for several hours or sometimes a few days...before the same issues occur again.


Any ideas Marc??

Are the errors in the logs the same issue as the caching issue or separate do you know Marc? Im trying to isolate and trying to nail down something to fix today, as its been a couple of weeks like this now.

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30 minutes ago, Fubra said:

Yes it does...but only momentarily. It can work again for several hours or sometimes a few days...before the same issues occur again.


Any ideas Marc??

Are the errors in the logs the same issue as the caching issue or separate do you know Marc? Im trying to isolate and trying to nail down something to fix today, as its been a couple of weeks like this now.

They said it's a different issue for me, but it seems to be the same.

Did this start happening after installing the latest patch?  For me, that was the only server change.

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1 hour ago, Fubra said:

Yes it does...but only momentarily. It can work again for several hours or sometimes a few days...before the same issues occur again.


Any ideas Marc??

Are the errors in the logs the same issue as the caching issue or separate do you know Marc? Im trying to isolate and trying to nail down something to fix today, as its been a couple of weeks like this now.

Could you please see if you can pinpoint the time it nexts happens, then leg us know that time so we can investigate accordingly? I suspect they indeed may be, but I would need that to know for sure.

Please also leave the issue in place while I take a look

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2 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Could you please see if you can pinpoint the time it nexts happens, then leg us know that time so we can investigate accordingly? I suspect they indeed may be, but I would need that to know for sure.

Please also leave the issue in place while I take a look

Sure thing! Thanks Marc

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..although just to clarify as it drives everyone mad, I can clear the cache but just need to tell you the time at which the problems were occurring? Or you want to see the errors 'live' yourself ie no cache?

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1 hour ago, Fubra said:

..although just to clarify as it drives everyone mad, I can clear the cache but just need to tell you the time at which the problems were occurring? Or you want to see the errors 'live' yourself ie no cache?

We would need both. The error that you're seeing and the error in place.

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22 hours ago, Jim M said:

We would need both. The error that you're seeing and the error in place.

If your online, its doing it right now. 


On mobile if you click the hamburger icon it just refreshes the page and on desktop if your click the profile pic to drop the menu this too just refreshes the page too


Ill hold off doing the cache for 5 or so mins in the hope that you can get in and take a look...


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On 2/15/2024 at 6:28 PM, Jim M said:

Thanks! Taking a look...

@Fubra, please check the FTP access details on file. They are inaccurate. 

Hey Jim thanks for taking a look. Sorry I dont know the FTP access or how to update it im non technical apologies. Are we bust then, without this you are unable to diagnose the issue?

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1 hour ago, Fubra said:

Hey Jim thanks for taking a look. Sorry I dont know the FTP access or how to update it im non technical apologies. Are we bust then, without this you are unable to diagnose the issue?

Please contact your hosting provider if you are unsure how to obtain this access.

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@Jim M Sure thing will do Jim, ill drop them an email right now. Where can I see the FTP access details on file so I can query them with hosting and update when I have the new details? Many thanks!!

Edited by Fubra
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3 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

If you take a look at the guide here, it shows where you update details

Note, if you are looking for the details as you mention, you will not get the password as its not shown

Thanks @Marc Stridgen amending these now. Do you connect via FTP or SFTP...or have I asked a noob question and they are one and the same thing?

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