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Rekapthka issue

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We are having an issue with rekapthka and were told the problem is with the Date/time on the server , however the date and time on the server is correct and verified with pleask setting as well as the logs showing the correct time.

In our invision forums application we are getting an alert that the server is reporting the time incorrectly.  See the screenshots of the Server time showing the correct time backed by the time stamp in the logs.  I also included a screen shot of the invision forum showing a time stamp that is 7 hours different that what the server is showing.

Is there a time setting in invision that could be setting a different time than the server (maybe setting to a different time zone)?


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Please note the "UTC" in your screenshot from our software. We convert all date/time to UTC for this evaluation. Please note that even if your server time is a few seconds off, this would cause issues with interacting with third party services, like RECAPTCHA. You would want to contact your hosting provider for assistance here.

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But the difference between what the invision forum software shows is 7 hours difference from the actual time/date.  We are in the pacific daylight time right now so I am not sure how the forum administration is showing the time 7 hours later. This is consistent where ever the user is in the united states.

Is there a place in the invision admin to modify the time zone?

I need to reiterate, our server time is the actual time for Pacific daylight time, but invision is not showing the correct time

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The time shown in invission is 7 hours ahead of Pacific time.  Here is a screenshot showing the time in the support page alert to be 12 AM 10/26 however the time on my computer is 5 pm 10/25 - I am in the las vegas area which is Pacific daylight time.

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As mention previously, the time displayed in the screenshot from our software will be in UTC so the 7 hour time different between Pacific and UTC is expected. However, your server time is still off from what is expected from a master time clock in UTC. Your hosting provider would need to correct this.

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Does the forum get the time from a source outside of the server? or does it get the time from the server? 

I don't understand how it can be out of sync if the forum is getting the time from the server and converting it to UTC.  How is the server techs suppose to know how to adjust the time if the forum software is doing the conversion and causing a time discrepancy. i am looking for a technical answer that will convince me that this is a server issue and not a software issue.

Our server tech have checked the time setting and they are correct ad then verified that the server logs are logging the correct time as well.  Do you have documentation how to correctly evaluate what the time discrepancy is between the server and the forum?

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The time comes from the server. We would have no documentation to tell your hosting company how to check this correctly unfortunately.

If you run "SELECT NOW()" on your mysql instance, I suspect that will show an incorrect time

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This is a hosting issue… however a recommendation would be to use NTP to compare the local time to the server it’s synced with. 

https://askubuntu.com/questions/1272104/how-to-find-time-difference-between-two-computers#:~:text=The command ntpdate -q <address,of just outputting the difference.

Edited by Randy Calvert
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Here is the response that I received from our server techs:


Hello Scott,

I've double checked and your MySQL time, System Clock, and NTPD Time are all in sync and about +/- 3~6ms off which is well within the margin for error as you're never going to get millisecond perfect timing over the internet. 

If anything I would expect that the PHP Time for the website is not matching up, but I do not know how their software works so I cannot say if that matters - https://www.usmilitariaforum.com/time.php

As you can see the PHP time zone used is UTC where as the server time is PDT and they differ by several hours.

Do note that this is only a guess, as we are not coders or web developers and do not have any experience with the captcha that you're trying to use. This goes well beyond our general scope of support. We can only guarantee that the server itself is working and is syncing with NTP time correctly. 

Chris Robin
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8 hours ago, usmf said:

Here is the response that I received from our server techs:


Hello Scott,

I've double checked and your MySQL time, System Clock, and NTPD Time are all in sync and about +/- 3~6ms off which is well within the margin for error as you're never going to get millisecond perfect timing over the internet. 

If anything I would expect that the PHP Time for the website is not matching up, but I do not know how their software works so I cannot say if that matters - https://www.usmilitariaforum.com/time.php

As you can see the PHP time zone used is UTC where as the server time is PDT and they differ by several hours.

Do note that this is only a guess, as we are not coders or web developers and do not have any experience with the captcha that you're trying to use. This goes well beyond our general scope of support. We can only guarantee that the server itself is working and is syncing with NTP time correctly. 

Chris Robin

Did you test what I mentioned above? This may well give you a better indication. Sorry to hear your host are unsure how to resolve the issue for you.

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10 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Did you test what I mentioned above? This may well give you a better indication. Sorry to hear your host are unsure how to resolve the issue for you.

I reminded the tech to use the resource you have suggested. Hopefully I should hear back soon.


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