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Image Compression

Valerie Huard

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Good day, 

I would like to ask if there is an existing software or plugin for IP Board that compresses images posted in our websites forums? Because there has been a lot of instances wherein our user wanted to immediately post what they took on their phone but we've limited the upload size which then discourages them from uploading that photo. If there is something that could just accept any file size of an image and then will be automatically resized or compressed, that would be nice.

Thank you

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The solution for the “phone problem” is to reduce the size allowed for attachments. On top of that, compression settings for uploads are also available. That covers almost every use case. Very few people would need to mess around with additional options to convert the existing content. 

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Our software can resize images to a certain height/width, which would decrease their file size a tad but there is no way to automatically say "all images must meet size x or resize them to that." 

5 minutes ago, David N. said:

I have the same question. I'm cloud hosted. I wish there was a way to automatically compress images and videos, as today most users expect to take a photo or even a video with their phones and upload it to their post, the way they do on Facebook. 

Our Team and higher plans include video encoding, which would very much provide an experience like Facebook, where the user can upload a video and we encode it to a common format so that all users can see it. For instance, if a user uploaded a WAV, we would convert that to MP4 so all browsers can view it.

Outside of that, the process is very much like Facebook for images. The only restrictor would be what you allow them to upload. Which if you connect to your own Amazon S3 bucket, the sky is the limit on size (So long as you are comfortable with the cost).

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