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Community Links by Admins


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Hey folks, just curious, as a user here in this community, when I go to see a profile, I always look for their website url in contact methods at their profile page, because I am curious what others are doing with their IP Communities.

But rarely, if ever, do I see their links. Is there a reason folks here don't want other folks visiting their sites? I know many communities are pretty private for one reason or another, but for those who run a generally public community such as gaming, cars, guns, software, and much more, is there a reason why folks don't like to put their community link in their contact methods? Just curious is all.

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1 hour ago, WP V0RT3X said:

Somewhere here is a thread users posted links to their communities.

It's this one...


75 pages long, but no new replies since November 2022.

There's probably a decent mix of abandoned projects and dead links among them, but it would be a good place to start.

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