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Delete member button from member's list should ask what to do with data

Gabriel Torres

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If we delete a user from its profile in the ACP, we are asked what to do with the user's content (delete/hide/leave).

However, clicking the "X" button in the member's list (see below) performs the "leave" option. This is really annoying! The system could show a popup asking what we want to do with the content the user posted.

Not to mention that there is no way to mass delete spammers/banned users, functionality that has been already asked by several board owners... 😉 

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15 hours ago, Gabriel Torres said:

However, clicking the "X" button in the member's list (see below) performs the "leave" option. This is really annoying! The system could show a popup asking what we want to do with the content the user posted.

This one had me scratching my head last night - it does show a prompt when clicked...


I tested flagging the account as a spammer too, and the prompt still appears in that case too.



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@Nathan Explosion @Matt @Adriano Faria

Thanks, cleared the cache here and the pop-up window is now showing up when I hit the "X" button for deleting a user.

However, when using a search option and clicking in the "Prune Members Found" link, I get straight to the "Confirm Prune" page instead of the pop-up window asking if I want to delete/hide/leave the contents. Could you test this on your side to see if this is an issue with my install, the expected behavior or a bug? Thanks.

Matt, can you move this topic to the correct forum, as this is not a "feedback" issue anymore, but a technical problem at my side? Thanks.

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