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I cannot change the name of my forum

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I've tried several times to change the name of my forum. Currently it is: 'Virtual Assistant Networking Forums" which you can see at vanetworking.com/forums

I would like to change it to 'Virtual Assistant Networking Association VANA Forum" and I feel like I'm in the correct space to change it under settings. View attached. What am I doing wrong?


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Jim M
This post was recognized by Jim M!

"This always sneaks up on people. Nice suggestion 😊"

Adlago was awarded the badge 'Helpful' and 5 points.

Open Search Engine Optimization - Meta tags

Click on Launch Live Meta tag editor.

You will see clearly on your page this editor and title change field. You should change it here.



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Double-check that the Physical Address field is not partially auto-filled before clicking the save button. I noticed that sometimes the browsers auto-fill it with only a few values, and the form complains it's not a complete address when it's submitted.

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