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Blog: Publication date v4.7.9 vs v4.6.x


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Since the update I notice an inconvenience, when I create a new topic in a blog in v4.7.9 I can not put a date earlier than the current date how to change this limitation that did not exist in version 4.6 ?

Edited by iProxy
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4 hours ago, iProxy said:


Since the update I notice an inconvenience, when I create a new topic in a blog in v4.7.9 I can not put a date earlier than the current date how to change this limitation that did not exist in version 4.6 ?

This is correct, and was actually a bug that was fixed. The fact this could be done previously was actually unintentional. The idea of this feature is that you can set things to publish in a few days time (for example)

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The website was created with a product that does not exist in the list

Could contain: Page, Text

So I have to import the data manually. How can I reactivate this "bug" that facilitated the insertion of data at an earlier date?


MAJ: Since I activated the feature it is an error message

Could contain: Page, Text

Could contain: Page, Text

Could contain: Text, Page

Edited by iProxy
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