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My Site Is Borked!

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I tried to upgrade the site: https://forums.wscc.mb.ca. It said there were a lot of database errors that needed fixing  . . . so I clicked "fix" and very shortly the site would only display:

An error occurred (500 Error)

We're sorry, but a temporary technical error has occurred which means we cannot display this site right now. 

Incorrect key file for table 'core_sys_lang_words'; try to repair it

You can try again by clicking the button below, or try again later. 

Try again
The "Try again" is not an active link, I'm at a loss of where to start.
Can you help?
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OK! So now my site database has been restored, and the forums are working. https://forums.wscc.mb.ca/

I still need to update the software but approach it with caution.

  1. So I downloaded a working version of the database.
  2. I initiate the update and it tells me there are problems with the database that need to be fixed. The query list is HUGE! 764 lines of sql queries!!!!!
  3. I try some of them manually:
    1. UPDATE `core_modules` SET `sys_module_title`='' WHERE `sys_module_title` IS NULL;
      1. result: nothing
    2. UPDATE `core_modules` SET `sys_module_application`='' WHERE `sys_module_application` IS NULL;
      1. result: nothing
    3. UPDATE `core_modules` SET `sys_module_key`='' WHERE `sys_module_key` IS NULL;
      1. result: nothing
    4. CREATE TABLE `core_modules_new` LIKE `core_modules`;
      1. result: created new table
    5. ALTER TABLE `core_modules_new` CHANGE COLUMN `sys_module_title` `sys_module_title` VARCHAR (32) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , DROP INDEX `identifier`, DROP INDEX `sys_module_application`, CHANGE COLUMN `sys_module_application` `sys_module_application` VARCHAR (32) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , ADD UNIQUE KEY `identifier` (`sys_module_application`,`sys_module_key`,`sys_module_area`), ADD KEY `sys_module_application` (`sys_module_application`), DROP INDEX `sys_module_key`, CHANGE COLUMN `sys_module_key` `sys_module_key` VARCHAR (32) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , ADD KEY `sys_module_key` (`sys_module_key`), CHANGE COLUMN `sys_module_area` `sys_module_area` VARCHAR (32) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT 'front' , CHANGE COLUMN `sys_module_default_controller` `sys_module_default_controller` VARCHAR (32) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL ;
      1. result: the table 'core_modules_new' is now trashed:
        1. #1034 - Incorrect key file for table 'core_modules_new'; try to repair it
        2. it's not repairable
    6. The next steps were to drop the original table 'core_modules_new' and to change the name of the new table to that of the old one . . . obviously I didn't do that.

So now I know why my system got borked . . . but I don't know what to do about it!





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In the process of updating our forum software, I applied the recommended database ‘fix’ of 764 sql queries. It trashed my database. A backup of the database got my site back running.

One of the problematic queries was, after creating a new table, altering it:

  1. CREATE TABLE `core_modules_new` LIKE `core_modules`;
    1. result: created new table
  2. ALTER TABLE `core_modules_new` CHANGE COLUMN `sys_module_title` `sys_module_title` VARCHAR (32) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , DROP INDEX `identifier`, DROP INDEX `sys_module_application`, CHANGE COLUMN `sys_module_application` `sys_module_application` VARCHAR (32) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , ADD UNIQUE KEY `identifier` (`sys_module_application`,`sys_module_key`,`sys_module_area`), ADD KEY `sys_module_application` (`sys_module_application`), DROP INDEX `sys_module_key`, CHANGE COLUMN `sys_module_key` `sys_module_key` VARCHAR (32) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' , ADD KEY `sys_module_key` (`sys_module_key`), CHANGE COLUMN `sys_module_area` `sys_module_area` VARCHAR (32) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT 'front' , CHANGE COLUMN `sys_module_default_controller` `sys_module_default_controller` VARCHAR (32) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL ;

the result was an un repairable table:

#1034 - Incorrect key file for table 'core_modules_new'; try to repair it

what gives?

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On 4/11/2023 at 1:53 AM, Jordan Sharples said:

OK! So now my site database has been restored, and the forums are working. https://forums.wscc.mb.ca/

Hi. Have you tried this way?

  • Restore previous and working backup.
  • Open administration and disable all plugins, applications and themes you have added.
  • Rename all innodb tables, and use dynamic row format.
  • Go to client area and download the latest version of the forum.
  • Send with ftp the files and folders to your space, making sure to overwrite all files and folders. This is a manual update. See this guide to learn more
  • Open the browser and proceed with upgrade from your-site/admin/upgrade
  • If you can log into admin when finished, clear all the cache using the support option in the upper right corner



Edited by ThunderBlue
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Well, I am nothing if not persistent in trying to get this upgraded, what "should" this table be, anyone got an sql command to create it?

Table 'revkites_revkites.ibf_core_widget_areas' doesn't exist
/home/revkites/public_html/forum/applications/core/setup/upg_107400/queries.json - query #2
UPDATE `ibf_core_widget_areas` `core_widget_areas`  SET `widgets`=? WHERE app='core' AND ( controller IN ( 'login', 'register' ) ) 

/home/revkites/public_html/forum/applications/core/setup/upg_107400/queries.json - query #2

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Gads, I should have taken notes but a few key things, make sure the entire db is converted to innodb and all tables and columns are utf8mb4_unicode_ci (i had a ton that were mb3, likely due to the age of the forum). I used the manual approach, but still had to refer to the sql backup of the old forum to create a handful of tables that the update claimed were missing. It still took 5 attempts at a manual upgrade as it would time out, but it would pick up where it left off. I also had to restore the uploads folder as some part of the upgrade wiped out 10 years of user photos. Backups are your friend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't upgrade!?!?

  • I've updated all the tables to INNODB
  • all tables and columns now are utf8mb4_unicode_ci (they were already)
  • I've manually ran the huge list of sql queries that the update process recommends (ran it in batches of 20 - 30 lines at a time, noting any errors, most frequently:
    • Warning: #3719 'utf8' is currently an alias for the character set UTF8MB3, but will be an alias for UTF8MB4 in a future release. Please consider using UTF8MB4 in order to be unambiguous.
    • Warning: #3778 'utf8mb3_unicode_ci' is a collation of the deprecated character set UTF8MB3. Please consider using UTF8MB4 with an appropriate collation instead.
  • I've also run the database fixes using the "Fix Automatically" button
  • I click on "Check Again" and it returns the same 764 line sql query list as before!!!
  • The forum is still running  . . .  so at least the update process hasn't borked like before
  • but I can't progress beyond: "There are some problems with your database which need to be fixed before you can start the upgrade.
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Have you tried to perform a manual upgrade? I don't remember the exact version but there was a bug recently which caused something similar to what you're experiencing and the only way forward is a manual upgrade. Please be sure to perform a full database and file backup prior.

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