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Stripe Browser Feature Option (Apple and Google Pay)

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So, when I follow instructions to set this up:

Could contain: City, Text, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Nature, Night, Outdoors

I end up with a blank box in the checkout instead of any pay option.

I am using Stripe for cards and that works fine.

Is it something simple?  Do you need a fresh API and fresh webhook for every Stripe payment option you use.  such as Card, Browser Features..., and Alipay?

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Yes.  Yes.
Braintree is working for Google Pay And Apple Pay. (And yes, I went in and used the Stripe version of the Apple verification file for the purpose of my test)
Could contain: Text

Adding in Apple/Google Pay via Stripe, breaks stripe and gives nothing.  Including when I remove the braintree option for Google pay.

Now I remember why I went through the hassle of getting Braintree to work... Stripe never worked for Google and Apple Pay for us...  I tried that first long ago, since I had Stripe from early days.

Also, Stripe is squawking about:


We've detected that you are using payment_method_types to configure payment methods. To manage payment methods from this page, replace payment_method_types with automatic_payment_methods.

Is this coming with a future version?

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I can take a look to see why you are getting that message. Could I ask what you mean by it breaks? Stripe should actually work a lot easier than braintree, so it seems you have an issue individual to your site there somewhere, which Im sure we can get sorted with you

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On site, I get this:
Could contain: Page, Text

No options to fill anything in.

Normal previously working Stripe Payment turns into this:

Could contain: Page, Text

No option to fill out card.

Braintree option just works...

Could contain: Text

In Stripe, this message was showing up when I was in the Payment Methods area:

Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage



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3 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Have you changed Something since, as Im seeing this on your site with no issue?

Yes, I deleted the Apple/Google Pay option since it was breaking stripe and Invision removed the ability to toggle on/off payment options several versions ago.  So the only way to keep the site functional, was to delete the broken Stripe "Apple/Google Pay" option.

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3 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Are you able to re-add that temporally so we can take a look? You really shouldnt have that issue, so would like to get it resolved for you if we can

Done.  I duplicated existing Stripe option and renamed it Apple/Google Pay.  It is listed last as payment options and Stripe is working this time.  🤨, but Apple/Google Pay is still blank.

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  • Solution

Looking at the console errors there, it appears you are getting an error from stripe due to using an old set of keys. 



Uncaught IntegrationError: It looks like you're using an older Stripe key. In order to use this API, you'll need to use a modern API key, which is prefixed with 'pk_live_' or 'pk_test_'.
    You can roll your publishable key here: https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys


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