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Disappearing message replies

Alex Duffy
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I had a member complain to me that their replies to messages were disappearing. I didn't know what that was about but it happened to me this evening. I had replied to a private message about a week ago, and this evening I noticed it had disappeared. Any help on this would be appreciated. 

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1 hour ago, Randy Calvert said:

t sounds like you have conversations that are being deleted after X time with no reply.  Check:

Members->Member Settings->Profiles->Profile Settings

Nope, that is already checked; it's some replies that are disappearing, the conversation remains. 


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10 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

Do you have any 3rd party resources installed that touch PMs in any way? 

Yes, two. Thanks, Randy.

Bulk PM https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7685-bulk-pm/

Restricted Messenger https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8530-restricted-messenger/

When I look at the Restricted Messenger configuration, I see that I had this second box ticked, and it deals with replies. I have unticked it now and will ask all my members if this is happening to them at all. 

Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

@A Zayed Might this cause replies to messages to disappear? Is this a bug? 

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3 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

I would simply disable both of those first of all, then monitor. If you find its no longer happening (I suspect this may be the case) enable them one at a time until you find which is causing the problem

It’s hard to know at this stage how often this is actually happening so I’ll post a message and ask our members if anyone else is experiencing this. I will then do as you say and have the members monitor it too. Thanks Marc. 

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On 2/6/2023 at 3:24 PM, Marc Stridgen said:

No problem, Alex

This morning, after yesterday's update, my messages refuse to be moved to the custom folders I have made. Some moved at first; then a batch moved to the wrong folder, and now they all refuse to move. Messages are an essential part of our school. I disabled the two 3rd party apps, and cleared the cache and still no message will move! Is there a limit to the number of folders or messages?

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7 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Could you let me know who you are logged in as, the name of the message you are trying to move, and the name of the folder. I can then take a look and advise

I'm logged in as Alex Duffy, it appears to be with new folders I have just created.  Let's try the first message in my inbox https://community.theplantmedicineschool.com/messenger/3466/  "Ignore" and try to move it to folder 'test move' .


I'm moving messages to folders that were existing before today ok now. 

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7 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

I appear to be able to move this no problem at all. Could you let me know what browser you are using?

Hi Marc, thanks, I have just tried to move the next message named "Payment" to 'Test Move' and it goes to 'Practitioner 20'.

I'm on a mac, I tried this with Brave, Firefox, Safari and Chrome and they all did the same. What are you using?  

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Just now, Marc Stridgen said:

Im not sure what I can advise here. I cant replicate it on your system even on your account there. Are you perhaps using any plugins on your browsers?

I just tried a cache detlet Firefox and the same. I will try it on a different device now. I have a tablet, and my partner has a mac. I'll try that? The plugins are not the same on the browsers, chrome is totally clean. Strange. 

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28 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Im not sure what I can advise here. I cant replicate it on your system even on your account there. Are you perhaps using any plugins on your browsers?

So I rebooted our router and then went to my partner, Nikki's computer as she is an admin also. When I use her admin account to sign in as me, the same problems, but when in her own account, no problems making folders and moving. It is still moving messages incorrectly in mine. But I'm going on to other work now. Seems my account is somehow corrupted with the messages. 

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I have a huge spring clean and deleted a couple of thousand messages. I'm reviewing my use of the messaging application in the future, so I don't need to keep notification messages that 'bulk messages' enables. The issue of my moving messages to new folders may satisfactorily resolve itself over a few days. I'll let you know. Thanks for your help. 

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19 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Please do. Just to let you know, it was when logged in as you I couldnt replicate the issues

Hi Marc, I have tidied up my inbox, but I still have problems this morning. I have, however, made an interesting workaround. I have tried this from Nikki's account, signed in as me, and it is the same. I have tried this on other devices, and it is the same. See the video embedded below. 

I don't think this is part of the disappearing message replies issue, which I am not sure is actually happening yet. 

I think I caused this myself when I was deciding to clean up my inbox and started creating folders, moving and deleting folders too fast. Then this started happening. 

I am very interested to see if this happens to you when you are logged in as me. 

Thanks for your time. 


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Ah, now what I have seen there is you are moving these differently to me (I was going into the message and moving it from there). Could I confirm if its only happening from the list as you are doing? I feel we may be narrowing down the issue at least

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