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Two factor authentication

Ivan Banic
Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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Hello everyone,

I have a huge problem, I was going to set up two factor authentication for Admin accounts, and before I've managed to set up everything else, IPB log out my account and now I'm stuck with this. There are no questions to set up, and no answers.

How to reverse everything?

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You can switch off 2 factor authentication by creating a constants.php file with the following contents in it



Once you have got in, you can disable and enable whatever you want, and remove when done.

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12 minutes ago, Richard Arch said:

Thanks and to get back on topic is there an issue with enabling security questions as I couldn't find where you add the answers?


You don't add answers in the ACP.  It's unique to whatever is picked by the user when they setup MFA.  If your security question is "What street did you grow up on?" ...  the answer would be different for me than it would be for you.  

You don't want to ask questions like "What is 2+2?" because ANYONE could answer that.  It should be a question that has a unique value to the person.  

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2 hours ago, Ivan Banic said:

Basically, since I have not defined questions before turning on two factor authentication, now I'm in infinite loop. IPB want answers on question, but I did not setup questions. This shouldn't be possible!

Ivan's makes a good point, it would be better if the software didn't enable the 2FA until there was 3 or however many questions are required in the setup.

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