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moving topics from forums to Club's forum result in hundreds of unread topics :(


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I wanted to report an issue. I moved hundreds of posts from the a main forum category to a category in a Club. Now I can see hundreds of unread posts in my stream 😞

Moving the topics from a forum to the club's forum should RESPECT the original status of the topic and not set them as unread 😞


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26 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Was this done on the latest release? And also, were you moving individually or from the listing? I cannot replicate this, and it should indeed keep the read markers

I did this using the latest IPS version. I have manually selected 10-20 posts for every page of 25 and moving it to the club/forum I wanted. After that, I found that there are hundreds of unread topics. The original read statuses of those topics were read. They ended up becoming unread topics once moved to the club.

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On 11/16/2022 at 11:22 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

it should indeed keep the read markers

Here's an example of this without clubs even involved - notice I am the last poster on the topic? Therefore, it's been read by me already, prior to my post, and shouldn't be unread following my post.

Well, the topic was in the Help & Support forum when I replied. Then it got moved to the Advanced Self-Hosting forum, and is now marked as unread.


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On 11/19/2022 at 6:10 PM, Nathan Explosion said:

Here's an example of this without clubs even involved - notice I am the last poster on the topic? Therefore, it's been read by me already, prior to my post, and shouldn't be unread following my post.

Well, the topic was in the Help & Support forum when I replied. Then it got moved to the Advanced Self-Hosting forum, and is now marked as unread.


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Is that also coming up in your unread feed? I can see from your image there that its an issue, but Ive not been able to replicate it at all

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