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Secondary Groups

Alex Scott1

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I was searching your support forum and i couldn't find the topic so i figured i would create it. Is there a way to disable secondary groups? I've noticed that new registrations are getting the secondary group "Administrators" and i'd like to just disable it as i dont need people seeing the admin notifications and or possibly pose a security risk to my website

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2 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

I would suggest disabling that application first of all and testing. There is nothing at all within the software that would give someone a group automatically, unless you have it set in promotions for some reason

One other thing that might also effect member groups would be use of a SSO or custom login module as well.  That login method could cause this sort of thing.  

I obviously can't look and don't have access, but something to consider checking.

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15 minutes ago, Alex Scott1 said:

it wouldn't be perscom as you dont register with it. you need an account on IPB before you even have access to it. is there a way to disable secondary groups as i dont use the groups feature anyway?

 3rd party apps have a way to modify the secondary groups even for new uses 

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As mentioned above, first of all, you ned to disable all 3rd party applications. The reality is, unless you have a promotion rule, whether that be promotions or purchasing of items through commerce, there isnt anything else that can apply a secondary group

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