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Block Manager - Topic Feed Title/Links Problem

Go to solution Solved by Adriano Faria,

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Just upgraded system (we only use Forums) to v 4.7.3 from 4.4.10.

The Topic Feed provides a list of topics with recent posts in the right margin of the forum top level.

In previous version, Topic Feed titles were bolded to indicate unread posts in the topic (just like in forum topic lists) and the bolded links directed user to the first unread post on the topic. After the update, these topic links are not bolded and point the user to the topic OP.

This isn't useful and obviates the usefulness of the Topic Feed widget/block. Is there something I'm missing here? Perhaps a new ACP setting? The Topic Feed Block Manager settings do not have anything related to this behavior.

Edited by z929669
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As the topic Adriano posted states, this is intended as the functionality was not working there correctly to begin with. I will close this topic as there have been multiple topics on this but I'm afraid, it is not something which will make it's way back into the software at this time.

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