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How do you use the French Translation? It's always older than what is installed

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Once you have it installed, if you update your IPS what you'll notice is that it tells you which translations have changed after the update and you could manually fix those. At least that's been my experience since I've been making a Spanish translation. I don't know if it's possible to install an older version translation; I've never tried that.

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1 minute ago, socceronly said:

So something like the French translation, how would one ever get started with it?

You would need to contact the author as the standard to install is to have it on the same version which you are on so they would need to update it. I'm afraid, there is no other means at this time.

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Language translations are created by other IPS customers.  They can choose to share those with other users.  When they upload that file, they indicate what version of IPB software that resource is known to be compatible with.  

For example, the French language pack created above was made by @Invision Board France but is only flagged as compatible with versions through 4.5.  In order to download it, the author needs to flag it as being compatible with the version of IPB you're using (4.7).  So as @Jim M noted, you would need to contact the author for assistance.  

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