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[This site] IPS generates answers in archived topics :) AI?

Go to solution Solved by Stuart Silvester,

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Just FYI: I have opened this old archived topic in my browser https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/292909-ipboard-3-is-crashing-using-ie-8/#comment-1855706 Suddenly I get a notification that a new answer has been added to this topic. After refresh I see the "answer":

Could contain: Text, Page, File, Webpage

After another refresh the answer disappear, but after a while a get another notification that a new reply is added. It is the same. 


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Please could you clear your browser cache and try this again first of all? If you see the same, could you let me know what browser and operating system you are using? I dont seem to be seeing it on my end

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