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How to add new script tags to page head area?


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Hey there!

Total noob question here, I know. How do I add code to the <head> tag of all pages of my Invision Forum? I already added a bunch of code a while back (Google Analytics, Mailerlite, Heap, etc.), but now I have no idea how to get back to it to update it. 😆

I thought it was through System > Site Features > Integrations > Google Analytics since I read somewhere on the IPS forums that you can add any code there, not just GA ... but I don't see any code in that area, so I would have added it somewhere else. What's another way? (FYI, I didn't go directly into the code itself since I don't feel comfortable there; it was through the Admin CP somewhere). 

Thanks for any help you can provide! 

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Likely this has been added in your Analytics area in ACP -> System -> Integrations -> Google Analytics. Alternatively, you may have added this in your theme. For more information on how to edit your theme, please go to: 


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