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Error Log entry for subscriber - what does it mean?

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We have a client attempting to take out a subscription but is running into an issue when attempting to complete.  This is what the client sees:



This is in the error logs but it doesn't indicate what the actual issue is - can you shed some light on this?

4X196/3  We are unable to process your purchase. Please contact us for assistance.

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6 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

Hey Davyc. It says you don’t have payment methods:

That is really strange as we have Stripe as a payment method and recurring subscription payments are being taken.


There are only three log entries in the error log but there are 150 subscribers so I am unsure what the issue is which has never been raised before in the last 12 months.

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8 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

It is seems a Stripe issue:

That was my initial thought after you posted your first reply.  I've informed the owner of the site (I just look after it) that it could be a Stripe issue and to get in touch with them. He's working right now so it may be a day or so before he can get in touch with them, but that's his issue to deal with as I can't speak to Stripe on his behalf.

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Looking at the message and your stripe setup, that would be correct. The stripe setup you have set in your system is limited only to some countries, and the couple I have checked there, are not allowed countries in that stripe setup

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33 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

The stripe setup you have set in your system is limited only to some countries, and the couple I have checked there, are not allowed countries in that stripe setup

That's correct as it's a UK based only site and Union so it would be of no benefit for anyone outside the UK.  I can only assume that it's a Stripe issue and that's something the owner will have to sort out with them, if that is the case, but I can only assume it is a Stripe issue as nothing has changed since the initial setup other than the usual updates from Invision as and when they are released.  Many thanks for taking a look, very much appreciated.  I'll come back once I have had word regarding Stripe.

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Yes, that eventually sunk in lol.  I'm getting loads of texts and phone calls from the owner and I've just relayed the fact that the IP addresses are not UK ones - I'll update further when I find out more as I can't associate those IP addresses directly to the individual, but the times are so close that it can only be him.  Takes a little while for things to sink in when I'm under fire and have loads of things to do myself lol.  Thanks again, much appreciated.

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Situation is resolved - details are intricate so I won't go into them other than to say neither the IPS system or Skype were to blame, so all is good and other subscriptions are continuing as usual.  Many thanks again for your time and help 🙂

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11 minutes ago, Davyc said:

Situation is resolved - details are intricate so I won't go into them other than to say neither the IPS system or Skype were to blame, so all is good and other subscriptions are continuing as usual.  Many thanks again for your time and help 🙂

No problem at all. Glad you managed to get to the bottom of it regardless

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Hi @Marc Stridgen this issue has cropped up again with someone trying to subscribe using his mobile phone in the UK and also using a computer (two different IP addresses) and the same error is occuring in that no payment methods are available. 

Could you take another look please - you have my login details that I sent you in a PM. 

I have tried to register myself from my mobile phone using dummy details (but legitimate) and I have received the same error message.

I've checked and double checked the settings and everything is as it has always been.  Many thanks for your help.

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21 minutes ago, Davyc said:

Hi @Marc Stridgen this issue has cropped up again with someone trying to subscribe using his mobile phone in the UK and also using a computer (two different IP addresses) and the same error is occuring in that no payment methods are available. 

Could you take another look please - you have my login details that I sent you in a PM. 

I have tried to register myself from my mobile phone using dummy details (but legitimate) and I have received the same error message.

I've checked and double checked the settings and everything is as it has always been.  Many thanks for your help.

Marc's shift has ended. If you would like to add me to the message I can take a look.

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@Marc Stridgen hey Marc can you check your PM as this issue is still persistent and no one can register.  I've attempted to do so myself using my mobile, disconnected from my WI-FI so the IP address is not recognised and I get the same message.  A few others have attempted to register from the UK and they have the same issue. With thanks.

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25 minutes ago, Davyc said:

@Marc Stridgen hey Marc can you check your PM as this issue is still persistent and no one can register.  I've attempted to do so myself using my mobile, disconnected from my WI-FI so the IP address is not recognised and I get the same message.  A few others have attempted to register from the UK and they have the same issue. With thanks.

I do have this and looking Davy, dont worry 🙂 

Could you PM me your IP?

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@Marc Stridgen That's correct I logged out, otherwise the system would bump me lol.  My client tried the same logged out using different details but from the same IP so that bumped him.

There was another guy attempting to sign up and he was in the UK and he was getting the same message, however, because of multiple attempts to register the spam defence log has noted him as a 4 and he can't register at all now.  This is a terrible issue as it is causing a lot of problems for people wanting to sign up, not to mention the lost revenue.  This appeared to start happening when the site was updated to 4.10 - it's now on 4.11 the latest and the issue persists.

Edited by Davyc
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Just bumping this up to see if there have been any thoughts on how to address this issue which is hindering the Chef's Union and those wishing to sign up hitting the issue of 'no payment methods available'.  The issue appears to have occurred after an update, whether this was to 4.9 or 4.10 is uncertain.  Any update would be most appreciated 🙂

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