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How could a member become Grand Master with no posts?

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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Hi. I've just discovered a spam member who has never posted anything, but I've received reports from 2 members who - "reported a message in a personal conversation".

They both reported the member was, "soliciting"! I'm quite shocked because this member (from Russia) has achieved Grand Master status with 47990 points without posting a single thing. I also have messenger disabled on my forums? Any thoughts? Obviously they also evade Invision's spam defences.


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We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

We look forward to further assisting you. 


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Just now, Washerhelp said:

Sorry Marc, I assumed the temporary admin account for Invision Staff is all you need to log in and troubleshoot?  

If your board requires an email address to login instead of username, you can't provide a username for IPS to login with.  (They're tied to the same restrictions you set for your board!)  

It would have to be the email address associated with the account.  🙂 

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Unfortunately, those credentials as well are not working to login. Just a helpful tip before providing these to us, please check that the credentials work. This will prevent this back/forth and we can more efficiently help you resolve your issue.

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Hi Jim. I'm only used to the old ticket based support so apologies. This is the first time I've needed support since they moved to forums. I don't quite understand what the problem is as when I create a technical support account it creates one with Display Name: IPS Temp Admin Email: nobody@invisionpower.com and a Password: ********

I don't know how you get that password. I deleted the other one and created a new one. 

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14 minutes ago, Washerhelp said:

Hi Jim. I'm only used to the old ticket based support so apologies. This is the first time I've needed support since they moved to forums. I don't quite understand what the problem is as when I create a technical support account it creates one with Display Name: IPS Temp Admin Email: nobody@invisionpower.com and a Password: ********

I don't know how you get that password. I deleted the other one and created a new one. 

You would need to update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 



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When did you disabling messaging on your community? The messages from this user look to be from July of last year and earlier. As these messages are still in your database, the rebuild of Achievements would count these and this is how the user has this much reputation (they sent a TON of messages).

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5 minutes ago, Washerhelp said:

Yikes. I only had 2 complaints and one was just yesterday. I disabled messenger this afternoon. I thought I already had disabled it ages back but it wasn't. 

Wondering how they got through to make an account and send so much spam?

You may wish to review the Spam Prevention guide for assistance there: 

However, always keep in mind that there are two types of spam bot and human. Spam Prevention is never 100% absolute, there will always be some form of moderation of this. How much of course depends on your community and counter measures you deploy.

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Thanks Jim. I have the Spam Prevention set up well I thought. I have it set to flag to me for review anyone who scores more than 1. Apparently they only scored 1.

I also have it set to immediately delete everything and ban them when flagged as a spammer. I've been running your forums for well over 10 years, I didn't even realise Messenger was on. 

I presume it makes sense to disable it but doesn't the forum software scan for spam in messages or is that impossible?

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7 minutes ago, Washerhelp said:

Thanks Jim. I have the Spam Prevention set up well I thought. I have it set to flag to me for review anyone who scores more than 1. Apparently they only scored 1.

A 1 would indicate that this is a new spammer or could be a human that is smart enough to disguise themselves against what we check.

7 minutes ago, Washerhelp said:

I presume it makes sense to disable it but doesn't the forum software scan for spam in messages or is that impossible?

Our software does not scan for spam anywhere, I'm afraid. The "Flag as Spammer" feature would remove all content though if it is setup to do so.

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4 minutes ago, Washerhelp said:

Thanks Jim.  I used to get notifications whenever someone signed up so I could keep an eye out for suspicious characters and signups from countries notorious for spam but not where my forum is aimed at. 

I cannot find how to turn this back on? Spent 10 mins looking.

Administrator notifications can be found in ACP -> click the notification bell -> notification settings.

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