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Your plan does not include support 🥴

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I renewed my licence earlier today, yet I don't have access to support?


Your current plan does not include email support. Click here to purchase Email Support.

If I'm able to download/upgrade (which I have done), how come the support part hasn't been automated? The whole point of renewing is to gain access to support, I thought there might be a delay, but it seems not to be the case.

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I missed the memo regarding this. 🙄

You no longer get basic email support when you renew a licence? 


Email support is available for the first 30 days with a three-business-day response time.

How many days within the 30 days does it take to gain access to this 'e-mail' support? This seems very poor in my eyes. E-mail support should be tied with your licence.

All those times in the past I got copied and pasted replies, without reading what I wrote. Always slow it down by asking every time to check your user/account details for the site are correct. Hitting back at people's pockets. 😕 👎🏻

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On 12/10/2021 at 6:04 PM, Joey_M said:

I'd be less annoyed if this forum wasn't public.

Any private information you can add to your access detail notes in the client area. We have access to the site already, and if all else fails we still have the ability to create a ticket from a topic. 

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